Dark Mage - Spell Book

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Note To Readers: In order to improve the survival rate of both Goblins and Dark mages, I've included a Spell Book for the Mages and an added skill bonus for the Goblins, which can be found at the end of this page. The Spell Book will be later moved to the beginning chapters after the 'Choose a Race' section, if you wish to view it again.

"Death is no stranger to those who seek the path. These are the words given to us by the gods. To say they're meaningless is blasphemy!"

Magelord Barkan's speech to the High Counsel of Mages.

Magic of Coroleya

In the world of Coroleya there are fifteen types of Magic in the world. Five can only be used by those innately gifted with magic. Five can only be used by those who've bound a part of their soul to the demonic forces that lie beneath the surface, and five can only be used by the followers of the Lightbearer, who grants his most devote followers with the gift of magic.

As a Dark Mage you may study one of the five forms of magic to aid you in battle. Unlike most other spells you may gain along the way, you can only use each of the spells you've studied once per chapter.

Death Magic

Death Magic is the study of death itself and the many ways to accomplish it.

Blood of the Ancestors

Life Cost: 10

Ignited by the blood of your Ancestors, you draw their strength into you, and use it as your own.(+50 Resilience. 50% Elemental resistance.)

Blood Reckoning

Life Cost: 20

Drain the very life force of all those around you to gain untold power. (+150 Health points.)

Blood Mist

Life Cost: 30

Rain down death upon your enemies with a mist of blood that burns through armor and flesh like acid. (-40 Weapon damage.)

Shadow Arts

The Shadow Arts focuses your talents towards the shadows and smoke.

Shadow's Illusion

Mana cost: 10

Use the shadows to blend in the darkness and strike from nowhere. (Slay any opponent instantly, except for Boss Level Creatures such as Dragons, Giants, etc.)

Shadow Blades

Mana cost: 20

Take down an army of enemies with a single flick of your wrist, releasing hundreds of blades formed of darkness into the enemy. (-60 Weapon damage.)

Shadow's Strength

Mana cost: 30

Increase your health, resilience and magical resistance in a temporary boost of strength that enhances all of your attributes. (+30 Resilience, +30 Health points, and 30% magical resistance.)

Summoning Arts

Summon allies to fight and die for you.

Summon the Sentient Blade

Mana cost: 30

Summon the Undead Zombie

Mana cost: 40

Summon the Fire Elemental

Mana cost: 50

Blood Magic

Access untold power by wielding your own life force as a weapon.

Bathed in Blood

Life Cost: 10

Bath your weapon in your own blood and increase it's damage.(-20 Weapon damage added to any weapon.)

Boiled Alive

Life Cost: 20

Boil the blood of your enemies, so that they die in extreme agony. (Any damage received is reduced by half.)

Black Fire

Life Cost: 30

Create flames that cannot be quenched .(-50 Weapon damage.)

Power of Demons (Only Available to Demons.)

It is rumored that after years of studying and using the demonic energies within the land, the dark mages become partially demons with much of their humanity taken away from them. Some would say it is a fair price to pay to see the view the world through the eyes of a demon.

Goblin Race Skill Upgraded.

Goblin Pack Leader -

Background: Goblins small diminutive creatures that live in the Mountains. Live an extremely hard life, being prey to most creatures that inhabit this harsh world. However as long as they travel in large packs they can be quite dangerous.

Health Points - 150 You start this game with thirty Goblins at your command with 5 Life Points for each Goblin. Each time you lose 5 Health Points a Goblin dies.

Resilience - 0

Race Skill

Pack Mentality - At the start of each chapter you gain an additional forty goblins to fight for you along with any surviving Goblins from previous chapters. You also have the ability to sacrifice one goblin to take all the damage you receive. This however can only be used three times during a single chapter.

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