Chapter 1 - Scenario 7

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Thankful to whichever gods were looking out for you against those blasted Dwarves, you take a moment to catch your breath, and rest your back up against the rough stone wall.(+5 Health Points). Once you feel your breath become even once more, you get up and continue on through the underground tunnel. Using the strangely eerie pale white light that blankets the walls to either side of you to guide your path forward through the darkness. As your walking you feel a shift beneath your feet as the tunnel slopes further downwards, leading you deeper into the bowels of Coroleya. When a sudden gust of wind without warning slaps you in the face, bringing with it the putrid stench of death. You stiffen instantly at the bizarre gust of wind and you draw your weapon once more. As a sense of growing dread envelops your body, making your insides grow cold.

Not sure what to make of the breeze inside the tunnels, you push on without stopping. Believing it better to keep moving, rather than waiting for whatever was out there to make a move. Quickening your pace slightly along the long winding tunnel, you notice the shimmering walls around you becoming much smoother and brighter, until you reach a corner and turn. Mouth gaping  in awe, you stare out into an immense cavern lit up by large balls of pure white light that sit upon pedestals that line a broken, and cracked stone road that leads through the center of vast underground city. Ancient Dwarven ruins that should have fallen into disrepair long ago, loom up out of the darkness, with dozens of levels and staircases, and statues of Dwarven warriors carrying hammers that are at least two hundred feet tall watch over the ruins like guardians. 

Snapping your mouth shut , you realise you must have stumbled upon the ancient Dwarven City of Ironfield, a City laid to ruin many centuries ago by the feral Dwarves. You had heard rumors back in town about the fabled City of light, but hadn't really believed it. But now here you stand, in front of a City that should have crumbled long ago, with the same eerie white lights you had seen in the tunnels, shining into the darkness. You wonder if the rumors of a treasure horde, buried beneath the City is true as well. As your eye's sparkle with the unforeseen possibilities of loot, you notice shadowy forms moving about in the darkness. Muscles tensing, you realise there are hundreds, if not thousands of shadowy forms moving about the ruins. Feral Dwarves. It must be. With that dawning realisation you half run, half jog along the main road passing through the remains of the City and see more shadowy forms, their red eyes gleaming in the darkness.

Faced with such incredulous odds, you begin to run than sprint towards the massive iron gates you see ahead of you guarded by two great Dwarven Statues wearing crowns. Thousands more red eyes appear from within the darkness from both ahead of you and behind you matching your speed easily, but staying in the shadows away from the light. You put on another burst of speed, but it's no good. The creature's bound after you quickly catching up easily. You take the stairs leading up to the gates two at a time and reach the iron gates. There you spin around and stare out into the darkness, where more and more red eyes are filtering in to join the others. Realising they must fear the light otherwise you'd already be dead, you take a deep breath to calm your nerves and turn back to face the iron gates searching for a way to open them.

Oddly enough the gates have no lock, only words inscribed into a thin metal plate that read. 

"If ye wish to enter the Halls of our kin, answer our riddle and be allowed to pass within: A Minotaur, a werewolf and a Centaur enter a tavern each boasting of their adventures in battle. The Minotaur claims to have slain a thousand goblins bare handed, The werewolf claims to have butchered a giant, and the Centaur claims to have slaughtered a Dragon. Which of these be lying and which be telling ye the truth?"

(Only Click if you have Siwen as a Companion)

Siwen leans past you to read the riddle, before smiling to himself. "Well the first part is easy, the werewolf is lying. Not sure, who else is lying or telling the truth."

Here's a clue: Read up on the Races, before deciding. 

1. The Minotaur and Centaur are lying, so the Werewolf must be telling the truth?

2. The Centaur and Werewolf are lying, so the Minotaur must be telling the truth?

3. The Werewolf and Minotaur are telling the truth, so the Centaur must be lying?

4. The Minotaur and Werewolf are lying, so the Centaur must be telling the truth?

5. The Werewolf and Centaur are lying, so the Minotaur must be telling the truth?

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