Scenario 3 - Choice 1

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Choice Results are at the bottom of the page. Goodluck!

Without the caravan to slow down your progress, you pick up the pace and soon reach the Bridge of Thorbadon. A massive pale grey structure that spans a huge ravine that leads into the lush green Open Plains; home of the Centaurs. Elegant, and carved with dancing elves along the length of the bridge, it is an impressive sight to behold with it's four wings sprouting out from all four corners like a triumphant procession for a returning hero. You take a moment to appreciate this great wonder of Coroleya, before looking over to see if there is anyone guarding the other side of bridge. And to your surprise you don't see a single guard standing watch. Only the long the flat green rolling plains that go as far as the eye can see. It'd be quite the picturesque scene, if it were not so dangerous. Walking out in the open with no place to hide, is usually an invitation to be killed. Still it is curious that there are no Centaurn guards posted at the Bridge to guard entry into their lands. The Centaurs of the Open Plains, usually like to keep a tight watch on travelers that wish to pass through their lands.

A worrying thought, that has you increasing your pace in order to cross over and be miles away from here, when an awful stench wafts towards your nostrils. Accustomed to this stench from your time in the army. You realise there must be an army camped nearby, which explains the lack of warriors guarding the bridge. Deciding it would be best to avoid them, you head in the opposite direction from which the smell is coming from.

You march for another eight or nine straight miles upon the Open Plains and find not a single decent spot for you to camp out for the night. With darkness fast approaching you have no choice, but to try and get a few winks of sleep out here in the open. Closing your eyes, you stay half awake most of the night, and when morning arrives you feel just as tired as if you had never slept. As your rubbing your tired eyes, you see dust flying up in the distance and it is closing in fast. With no where to run or hide. You grit your teeth and draw your weapon.

Out of the dust emerges fifteen fully armored Centaurs, wielding their famous Centaurn bows. The Centaurs their eyes upon you, close the gap quickly and surround you from all sides. Their bows drawn and aimed at you. The Captain of the Centaurs a wide shouldered warrior, with fine long black hair and a face cut from steel stares at you. "This is no place for strangers! What are you doing here?! Are you a spy, working for the necromancer?! Answer me?!" But before you can even reply, one of the Centaurs comes up from behind you and lands a powerful blow to back of your head. Knocking you out cold.

You awake several hours later in a tent to the sounds of arrows thunking into targets, blades being sharpened and warriors bawling to each other. You take one whiff and you know your inside the Centaurn war camp. That's also when you realise you are not alone. Sitting at a table is a well-dressed female elf (Fae'lon), who gives you a gentle smile. "Welcome back to the living stranger, before you ask me any questions, let me first explain to you why you are here? A dark mage named Azkan a former member of the Fae'lon Guardians has taken up residence in a tower not far from here. The Centaurs see this as an affront to their ancestors and have gathered an army to fight the undead that guard the tower's walls. I fear Horselord Orkrelan in his haste to protect his homeland has declared you a spy and will surely execute you on the morrow." Seeing your rising panic, she holds up a slender hand. "But never fear, there is a way out of this for you, and a way to prove your innocence, for words alone will not suffice here. I have within me the ability to transport you into the tower, where you can slay the dark mage and prove your innocence. I also can teleport you out of here and away from Centaurn army. Which is it you desire?"

1. Do you agree to slay the Dark mage in return for your freedom?

After a brief moment of contemplation you ask her to send you to the tower, where you'll face the mage. Who knows maybe you'll find something worth looting inside the tower? With that hopeful thought in mind, you watch her make her way towards you and lay her cold palm upon your forehead. And in a flash of light that blinds you and makes you slightly dizzy, you find yourself inside the dark corridors of the tower with stairs leading further up to your right. Wiping your eyes, you look up and down the dank, empty corridors and give a sigh of relief. So far so good. You glance over towards the stone stairs, and guess that the mage must be somewhere up there, their kind usually like to have a good view. Taking in a shallow breath you move towards the stone steps and slowly make your way upwards, careful to avoid making any sounds; your head swiveling back and forth for any signs of danger. 

The stairs cracked and broken in places are difficult to make out in the growing gloom, but you manage to make your way up without too much difficulty. Hearing harsh breathing coming from the top of the stone steps, you slow down even further and edge upwards, till you catch a glimpse of the creature. Holding back a gasp of surprise, you watch an Undead Minotaur in full plate armor, carrying a Warhammer limp up and down the floor above, swinging it's hammer. With no way past the creature, without attracting it's attention. You stealthy come up from behind the creature, your weapon ready to strike and use it's harsh breathing to cover your movements. Once your close enough to smell the rancid stench of desiccation. You pounce forward and chop off it's left leg, bringing it crashing down onto the stone floor. Alarmed by the amount of noise the creature has made, you quickly step forward and decapitate the beast's head off as it flails about on the ground like a fish out of water.

Done, you begin sprinting along the blank un-decorated corridors, till you find the next staircase leading up. You take the steps two or three at a time. With the element of surprise gone, you fear what the mage will do, once he learns you are here inside the tower. Your luck holds out so far with no more undead warriors guarding the corridors. You clamber up three more flights of steps, before seeing a large doorway at the end of great hall filled with graphic paintings that depict all kinds of gruesome ways to die. Blocking out the vivid images, you run to the doorway, stop and listen to see if anyone is on the other side, before carefully turning the doorknob. 

Sitting in the candlelit shadow at a desk, with shelves upon shelves filled with books surrounding him on all sides is a decrepit old elf, with gold skin and polished blue eyes that glare up at you maliciously from beneath the black hood of his robes. Swallowing any fear you may have, you advance upon the mage, who glides up from his seat and with a flick of his fingers sends a firebolt careening towards you. You quickly dodge the ball of flames and dash towards him, when a second bolt strikes you in the chest and a third into legs; dropping you onto your knees. Almost delirious from the excruciating pain coursing up your body, you look up to see the mage smiling, it's fingers posed to finish you off. Unwilling to die, you grab onto the hem of the mage's black robes and pull down hard; bringing the mage down beside you. The mage struggles to get back up to it's feet, but you take a firm hold of it's head and twist. Hearing a satisfying crack. 

Battle Results

- 50 life (Remember to take into account your resilience. Also remember that if your playing the Redling faction that you have fire resistance and take no damage from this battle.)


Taking a moment to recover your  strength, you then search the mage's library for valuables. The only thing you find is a strange ruby stone in the folds of the mage's robes (Vampire Stone), which adds 10 additional Health Points to your base score. Increasing the amount of Health Points you have at the beginning of each Chapter. You feel the tower shift beneath your feet, then all of sudden your back out in the Open Plains the tower gone along with the Undead. Grateful to be alive you return to the Centaurn war camp, where you are hailed a hero of their people and rewarded with 200 gold pieces and rest to heal your wounds. +5 Life Health Points.

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