Chapter 1 - Scenario 10

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Badly injured and shaken by your encounter with the Dragon, you stumble up another stairwell. Before collapsing in heap on the floor. You lie there for hours, trying to find the strength to get up, when you hear voices and footsteps. Cursing your rotten luck, you claw your way back up onto your feet and draw your weapon. 

"By my bleeding ancestors! I'm telling you I heard sometin!" 

"Aye, I be telling yah that ye be a block headed turnip. There ain't nought down there, besides the great beastie," replies a gruff voice. 

Recognizing the familiar accent of Dwarves, you wonder what they could be doing down here? When eight Dwarves wearing white armbands, armored in black plate armor that shine dully in the light, their shields strapped to their backs and Warhammers in hand; round the corner. Too tired to move, you prepare yourself to at least go down fighting, when the Dwarves spot you, and stare at you in astonished wonder. The leader of this small band of fighters is a stoutly built Dwarf with steel blues eyes and a short black beard flecked with white hairs who demands loudly, "How in the blazes did ye get up 'ere stranger?" 

Finding no reason not to tell them. You explain to them your journey through the City of Ironfield, your encounter with the Dark Mages and of the Dragon loose about the dungeon. By the end of your tale, most of the Dwarves are gaping at you in open-mouthed wonder. When the voice you heard earlier pipes up. "Dinna I tell ye I heard sometin." The Dwarven Commander scowls angrily at the much younger Dwarf to shut him up, before returning his attention back to you.

"If your story be true stranger, and by the looks of you i'd say it is. We'd surely welcome you among our company."

Liking the idea of being escorted by some solid Dwarven warriors, you readily agree to travel with them for a time. Together you turn down a passageway, which Argven says is the quickest way back to their Stronghold Stonefold. And along the way Argven, and his younger brother Durgen the youngest Dwarven warrior in their party after tending to your wounds (+10 Health Points), regale you with tales of their adventures on the surface, and once they learn of your intent to join the army mustering to battle the feral Dwarves that have invaded the City of Torfiol. You learn that more than a dozen mercenary companies hired by the Dwarven Lord to recapture the City have perished, along with several Dwarven battalions around two thousand four hundred strong.

Having faced feral Dwarves in battle and won fairly easily, you ask them how can that be? How could Dwarves lose so many warriors to these creatures? The Dwarves give each other knowing looks, before they explain to you that these feral Dwarves have somehow fallen under the control of the Ancients. Feral Dwarves that have lived for thousands of years gaining untold abilities that allow them to hunt in the darkness. These creatures dangerous beyond measure, can tolerate sunlight and are devilishly cunning. Their also much larger and stronger than a common feral Dwarf. 

Hmmm maybe heading to the City of Torfiol is not such a great idea after all. You've acquired plenty of gold, and other valuable items. Why not call it quits and return home? However leaving now, and returning home without hearing what the Dwarven Lord has to offer, seems such a waste. Argven seeing your eyes sparkling with excitement at the possibility of more treasure, lets out a loud hearty laugh and slaps you on the back. "You're warrior after me own heart. Come, let us set up camp for the night and be on our way in the mornin'." Argven leads you through one more tunnel, before exiting through a rusted iron gate, where you enter a large cavern, filled with glowing green fungus and stalagmites. Glad to finally be out of the City of Ironfield, you let out a heavy sigh, while the Dwarves setup camp in between stalagmites on a flat rocky surface and get to work building a fire.

Not sure how the Dwarves can tell, if it's morning on not. You rest your back up against a solid looking stalagmite, and watch Durgen cook some meat on a frying pan. Mouth watering at the delicious scent of meat roasting in it's own juices, you lick your lips hungrily and lean forward. Durgen feeling the intensity of your stare, gives you a gap toothed grin and flips the roasted meat in your direction. And like a starving wolf, you leap for the meat and catch it in your hands. The hot juices burning your fingers, but you don't care. You give the meat a few blows to cool it down and start biting into it. Gods it tasted amazing, if it were not for the burning in your mouth and tongue,you would have devoured the whole thing down in a single bite (+5 Health Points.)

Minutes later after everyone has eaten their meal, the Dwarves settle down for the night. And to thank them for their hospitality, you offer to take first watch. Argven raises his eyebrow at that, but nods his head in acceptance of the idea. In the silence of the cavern you look out at the glowing fungus that looks quite beautiful in the gloom of cavern, when you hear something. Drawing your weapon, you move to investigate. 

(Only Click if you have Siwen as a Companion) 

When you feel something cold and hard enter your lower back. Siwen with a crooked smile on his lips, walks out from behind you. Carrying a dagger with what you assume to be your blood on the blade. "This is where we part ways my friend. I'd thank you for escorting me through the City, but I'm afraid you'll soon be dead." He finishes with a laugh. Eyes flaring with rage at his betrayal, you attack the young Fae'lon warrior, who slips out of the way still laughing, before disappearing off into the cavern. Swearing vengeance, you return camp clutching your wound.(- 20 Health Points. You no longer have a companion.)

When you feel eyes upon you back, you turn around slowly and see dozens of red eyes peering out at you from the darkness. 

1. Do you retreat back to the fire and alert the Dwarves, before making a stand with them?

2. Do you retreat back to the fire and alert the Dwarves, before slipping away to let them deal with the beasts?

3. Do you retreat back to the fire luring in the feral Dwarves into attacking the sleeping Dwarves, then slip away to watch the fight, before returning to loot their corpses?

4. Do you let out a loud shout to alert the Dwarves, before charging off into the darkness to battle the creatures on your own?

5. Do you try and escape and find a place to hide?

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