Scenario 2 - Choice 4

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Choice Results are at the bottom of the page. Goodluck!

A powerful Dwarven Lord with many connections on the surface of Coroleya, has sent out the call to all warriors of courage to come to come to the Mountain Stronghold of Stonefold to aid in the eradicating a nest of feral Dwarves that have attacked the City of Torfiol. Sensing the opportunity for more adventure and gold, you take the next caravan out from the village of Brolen as a caravan guard and head towards the Dwarven Realms to make your fortune. The road to the Mountains however is long and treacherous with many perils to be faced, before you can reach your destination.

After traveling along the roads for several miles. The caravan leader, a short portly creature, decides now is the perfect time to setup camp for the night. The caravan of wagons form up into a tight knit circle and start up a fire at the center of camp. Seeing how close you've made your camp to the nearby woods of Doranmere worries you. Anything could be hiding in there and no one would know it. Still it's not like they had many options going off-road or travelling in the darkness was equally dangerous. While your thinking about what might be lurking in the woods, you smell wood smoke coming from the direction of the forest. Tensing up at the possibility of danger you rise up from sitting position and stare off into the darkness. Wondering if there was someone or something out there watching you.

Either way it seems more sensible to get away from the roaring campfire the caravaners have going, as it might attract the wrong sort of attention. You tell the other caravan guard a strong well-built Orc warrior named Merkel that you're going out to go check on something and leave the campfire alone. Entering the dark woods. The further away you get from the campfire, the more you realise that you're being watched. Smiling wolfishly at the challenge, you use your hunting skills to try and lose whoever is tailing you. Once you believe you've lost them, you circle around and go back the way you've come. Curious to see, what had been following you. Hearing voices whispering, you softly creep towards the sound, till you catch a glimpse of your hunters. And find to your surprise a band of Redling bandits heavily armed to the teeth, wearing leather jerkins. They seem to be discussing, what to do about you, when the leader of the group a tall, brutish looking warrior with an assortment of scars tells them all to shut up.

Then without warning the leader calls out to you. "You've done well to avoid us warrior, but I think it's time we talked. There is no need for us to fight here. After all, all we really want are the chests of gold stored in the back of the carriage the merchants have kindly brought with them." You say nothing. "The way I see it is, you can either join us and attack the caravan? Or you can die here with the rest of them? We could always use an extra blade, seeing as there is a Orc with them." You stand there for a moment thinking. And take a look again at the Redlings waiting in clearing. There's at least four of them out in the open, with god knows how many more waiting in the shadows. One of the raiders a short wiry man with grey leathery skin is holding a small round metal object in his hand. Familiar with Dwarven weaponry, you know it to be a combust ball that can create a small explosion. Probably not enough to kill all the caravaners outright, but enough to blind and wounding multiple enemies.

4. Do you slip away to warn the caravaners and try to make an escape?  

Fearing more warriors hidden in the shadows waiting to strike at you, you decide the best course of action is to return to the caravans camp and warn them of the raiders. Cautiously you slip away to your right and see an arrow bury itself in a tree, where your head had been. Realising they had an archer with them, you dodge and weave as you sprint away from the band of raiders. Scraping, and cutting yourself against tree branches in your haste to get away, till at last you break free of the forest and into the caravaners camp. Seeing your sudden appearance, Merkel leaps to his feet, axe in hand, and asks you, what happened? You quickly explain to him the situation, that a band of raiders are on your trail and that everyone should pack up their things and leave. The caravan leader curses you for being such a coward and orders you and Merkel to return to the forest and deal with the raiders. You open your mouth to refuse, when you notice Merkel has disappeared into the forest behind you. Minutes later, you hear howls of agony, screams for mercy and a roar that echoes through the forest. Staring in disbelief, you watch Merkel return with a wide grin on his face, carrying the decapitated heads of five Redlings.

Battlefield Results

-5 Health Points(Remember to take into account your resilience)


The caravan leader disgusted with your cowardice and refusal to protect the camp, shoves 10 gold pieces into your hands and tells you bugger off.  Saying he has no use for cowards. Seeing as your still alive, and still managed to get paid. You don't really mind too much and set off on your own.

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