Scenario 4 - Choice 1

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Choice Results are at the bottom of the page. Goodluck!

Your return back through the portal sends you reeling forward. Almost careening head first into the stone wall opposite you, your arms extending at the last second to save you from a nasty bruise on the forehead. Dusting yourself off, you wait for your companions to come through the portal after you. Dywin is the first shoot out of the swirling pool of darkness, stumbling into you from behind, with Gorrak and Lorna gracefully exiting right after him.

As soon as everyone is through the portal, the black pool of darkness that blankets the entire doorway vanishes, returning to it's former state; the symbols on the door glowing briefly, before going dark. Lorna miffed that she hadn't found anything useful for herself in the volcano, shoots daggers in your direction and brushes past you to the lead the way forward, followed closely by Gorrak.

With a rueful smile on his lips, Dywin shrugs his shoulders, as if to say, "mages, huh?" before quickly striding away to retake the lead from the peeved off elf.

Sighing heavily at her reaction, you glance back at the portal wondering what would happen if you re-activated the portal again, when you hear a voice in your mind. Filling you with images of creatures being tormented by a slim shadowy figure that gleefully laughs at their torment; their screams grating your ears. While her voice caresses your mind like a long awaited lover, "Ahhhh, your back. I had feared you lost, my oh so brave warrior. I know of only a few mortals, who could pass through the Sealed-Doors of Dorkilium and return unscathed. It seems you are far more capable than I first realised. You will make a worthy prize for my father. Come to me warrior, come to me..." Gripping your head in your hands, you shake your head like a dog shaking; trying to block out the voice, until eventually it fades away; leaving you badly weakened and shaking (Remove all resilience points). Sapped of all your strength, you slither down to the stone flooring. Breathing harshly like you've run several miles, taking in deep intakes of breath to settle your shattered nerves, and recover your lost energy.

You'd always known demons had great power, but this...this was unbelievable. The power you had felt, when the demon touched her mind to yours was incredible. A power you've only ever witnessed once in your life time. You had been serving as a mercenary in a Minotaur army of eighteen thousand strong led by Golden horns. A Minotaur lord sent by the council to hunt down an Orc war party sighted in their lands.

They had been marching out in the open field, when a winged demon had shot down from the clear sky above to massacre the entire army. The only survivors were you and a few others that had been away out on patrol. Since that day you've spent as much time as possible learning about these creatures, in case you should ever face them again. All the while half-hoping that you never would.

From what you've learned of demons, you know of only one type of demon that is able to affect your mind and body from a distance like this. Celestial Demons. A demon that has evolved overtime to attain powers similar to that of a Godling Demon. A creature, able to summon any army of lesser demons to defend it, and call forth the abyss itself to lay claim to souls. There are ten Celestial Demons that haunt the world of Coroleya, each of varying powers and abilities. The most dangerous of them are the Necrosis.

With that grim thought swirling through your mind, you look up and see Gorrak, Lorna and Dywin are staring down at you worriedly.

Dywin as usual is the first to speak. "You right lad? We heard you scream and found you passed out on the ground." I passed out? When did that happen? Seeing your confusion Lorna leans down to tap you on the forehead, and yelps in pain; leaping back in surprise clutching her smoking fingers. Gorrak's eyes turn dangerous and Dywin backs away giving you a strange look.

Smiling cheerfully at their uneasy expressions, you get up, and head down the corridor. Thinking it would best to keep moving, rather than allow your new companions time to dwell on what just happened. Legs and arms still feeling abit like jelly, you wobble along the corridor, and hear footsteps coming from behind you. Cheered by thought that they haven't abandoned you yet. You cross over into a wide open spaced chamber, cluttered by sturdy wooden chairs and tables; covered in unwashed bowls and tankards. Dwarven weaponry hanging on the walls on all sides. At closer inspection, the weapons seem to be made of a soft metal, and are there for decoration. A pity, it would have been nice to have a crossblade or sharp shield (Click this link if you'd like to learn more about Dwarven Weaponry).

There is also a noticeable odor that permeates the air. A smell that you've felt before, but can't seem to put your finger on it. Gorrack his nose twitching, mumbles the words"Sulfur", sending a tingle of fear down your spine. That's when you look up and see hundreds of dark, red skinned lizard like creatures hanging from the ceiling above with wings sprouting out of their backs. Luckily for you, the creatures seem to be sleeping, and haven't noticed your arrival.

1. Do you ask Lorna to use the scroll of invisibility, if you haven't already used it?

Pressing a finger to your lips to silence your companions, you point to the ceiling above at the sleeping demons. You then gesture at Lorna and mouth the words invisibility scroll. Quick to understand your line of thinking, she unfurls the invisibility scroll and begins whispering the incantation. And before you can blink your eyes again, the entire party vanishes before your very eyes. Careful to make no noise, you cross over to other side of the chamber, open the door on the other side of the room and close it behind you slowly.

Battle Results


Companion Reputation +1 (Dywin and Lorna are pleased with your actions. Gorrack is not pleased with your actions.)



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