Contract Dark Deeds

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(You will not be able to use your companions for this quest.)Morning comes, showering you in a brilliant white light from the nearby window frame. Completely refreshed from a good nights sleep, you hop out of bed ready to get back to work. Collecting your belongings from the sparsely furnished room, you head downstairs to the common area, where you see a few patrons idly sipping their drinks and listening to a gorgeous female elf in a long sleeved green dress singing in her native tongue about Elven heroes of legend. Pausing for a moment on the stairwell you listen to her, when you see the owner of the Drunken Dragon Boger waddling about the establishment chatting excitedly with newcomers, while a young female dwarf moves about the room refilling tankards and cleaning tables.

Waving your hand over at the dwarf to get his attention, you wait for Boger to make his way over towards you. "Was there something else I could do for you laddie?" You pull out the contract from your pocket. "Can you tell me where I can find the Red Lantern?"the Dwarf's eyes widen in surprise and he begins looking around the inn furtively, before grabbing hold of your shoulder roughly, and dragging into the back of the inn where barrels of alcohol lie neatly piled up along the stone wall.

Thrusting aside his arm, you take a step back from the panicked dwarf, who stares at the doorway fearfully. The voices and music from the common room slowly dying away. Until all is deadly silent. Boger, sweat dripping down his forehead mutters something about foolish outlanders, before turning his back towards you and tapping on one of the casks, which cracks wide open. Shocked you peer inside and see a stone staircase leading down into darkness. Waving at you urgently to get inside, you walk past the dwarf into the hidden staircase and turn to face him. Seeing the question in your eyes, he whispers, "You'll find what you seek below. Tell him...tell him I've kept up my part of the deal."  With that the dwarf thrusts you backwards to bounce hard down the stone steps, where you crash land at the bottom. (- 10 Health Points) Bruised and angry, you leap back up to your feet, draw your weapon, when the light from above disappears, leaving you alone in darkness.

Half-panicked at thought of being locked down here, you hurriedly scramble up the stone steps and bang on door. Except it's not a door anymore, your fists hit cold, hard stone. Stunned, you stare down at your bleeding knuckles, unsure what in the abyss is going on, and as if to answer your question a tiny pinprick of blue light floats into view. Magic? The small blue ball of light moves up and down as if to attract your attention, before gently floating down the staircase. With no other options left to you, other than to staying up here all alone , you follow the blue ball of light down and into a narrow side passage. All the while hoping against hope that this isn't some sort trick of the mind. You trail after the strange light, through crisscrossing corridors, down more stairs and into a cavernous chamber that stretches up more miles above you. The only source of light the bobbing beside you.

You stare out into the inky black darkness trying to see another way out of here, when a  harsh, creaky voice whispers through the air. "Welcome my friend to the shadows." Skin prickling with ill foreboding,  you gaze all about you. "Who are you?"The dark ominous voice becomes louder, almost sneering at your fear. "That is not the question you should be asking me child of death. Tell me, what is it you desire most in the world?" You think for a moment, wondering what game is being played here, before deciding to speak the truth. "Power." You hear laughter and feel something hot touch your neck. Spinning around, you draw your weapon, searching the blackness, but you see nothing. "You will have power, child of shadow. More power than you will ever need, but first you must complete a task for me. Do this for me and I will grant you power."

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