Scenario 5 - Choice 5

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Choice Results are at the bottom of the page. Goodluck!

Panting for breath, you charge down another hallway, chased by a throng of demonic creatures that shriek from behind you, sending you chills down your spine as they flap their way towards you. Arms sore, legs aching and back on fire. You know it's only a matter of time before you collapse from exhaustion with Lorna and Dywin not doing any better than you. Gasping for air, you ask Dywin to find a safe spot to rest up and catch your breathe. The old dwarf, sweat pouring down his temples, nods his head.

With no time to lose, you continue sprinting down the hallway, following the nimble old dwarf, who leads you down another passageway. The sounds of flapping wings and shrieks drawing closer and closer with each passing second, when at last the dwarf takes you through a small antechamber, heading for a doorway at the far end of the room. He opens the solid metal door and gestures everyone inside, before closing the door shut and locking it.

Dropping to your haunches, you take in deep gulps of fetid air, before looking around at your surroundings and realise your in a dwarven smithy. Squatting down not too far from you is the largest forge you have ever seen, filled with black coal that has long since gone cold from disuse, and a pair of metal tongs. Hammers and other tools hang on the walls around you from hooks, aswell as a few decent weapons that might be useful to you. (Collect a -2 Damage Hammer, - 4 Damage sword, + 1 Resilience shield.) There are also a few empty barrels that lie piled up to together in the corner of the room. As your eyes adjust to the dim lighting, your eyes also catch hold of something gleaming at the rear of the room. Mouth dry with excitement, you get up and walk towards the back of the smithy and see a dormant Wardemon. The colossal dwarven weapon looms up out of the darkness, like a great metallic beast. It's razor sharp blade still attached to the solid arms, shining dully in the gloom.

Dywin seeing your fascination with the great dwarven construct, makes his way over to your side, beaming with pride. "Quite the beauty aint' it?"he proclaims grandly. "15 inch thick iron skin, able to open slits in it's armor to allow crossblades to fire, razor sharp blades that can extend to over 5 meters, and able to move rapidly across open ground." Gorrak snorts derisively in response to the Dwarf's exuberance, and moves to position himself by the door. While Lorna her face pursed in thought sits down on the stone floor with a look of disgust, and closes her eyes. Probably to mediate or rest.

You stare with utter fascination at the gigantic dwarven structure for a few moments longer wondering if the weapon still works, listening to Dywin drone on and on about the capabilities of the Wardemon, when you decide now's a good time to get some shut eye, before all hell breaks loose again. Sighing with regret, you walk away and take a seat by Lorna, who sniffs her nose at the smell you bring along with you. Dywin on the other hand continues to study the Wardemon. (Restore 15 Health Points to all surviving party members including yourself.)

You wake up a hour or so later to sound of something scratching at the metal door. Gorrak his body stiff with tension, gestures at you to wake up the still sleeping Lorna. Not sure how she can sleep through this noise, you lean over and shake her awake. And quickly press a hand to her mouth, when she tries to speak. You then point over to doorway to where the sound of scrabbling has intensified.

5. Or do you try hiding in the Wardemon?  

Your heart beating rapidly, you swing around to Dywin and ask him if he get you inside the Wardemon. Dywin bobbing his head up and down, quickly sprints over to the Wardemon and taps on something behind the dwarf's right calf. Slowly the back panel of the Wardemon drops open revealing a fairly large room inside with levers and metal seats. Waving your hand for the others to hurry, you get inside the colossal dwarven construct and command Dywin to close it shut. Through the slits in the Wardemon, you can see the metal door shaking as something large and heavy slams against the door, when all of a sudden the door explodes inwards with a loud bang. 

There is a brief silence as dust particles fill up the air, followed by a shriek that pierces your senses, cutting through every nerve ending in your body, making you feel like your body is slowly being dipped into a vat of boiling oil, inch by excruciating inch. Clutching your bleeding ears, you drop to your knees within the Wardemon as a wave of dizziness envelops you. Unaware of your surrounding except for the pulsing shriek inside your head, you try to stand back up, but the pulsing shriek only gets louder and louder. Until your almost praying for death.

When a last the shrieking begins to fade away, a tidal wave of feral dwarves surges into the smithy, and stands around looking surprised when they find nothing. The confused feral dwarves begin searching the smithy. Followed by a large well-built demon with red skin and burning yellow eyes. The demon paces the room, it's footsteps scorching the stone beneath it and stops before the Wardemon. The creature smiling hungrily as if seeing you, opens it mouth and releases a piercing shrieks even stronger than before. The last thing you see, before passing out is the creature's flame orange eyes leering at you.

Battle Results

- 20 Health Points



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