Chapter 2 - Scenario 7

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New Quest Objective Added

- Travel to Caldasher and put an end to her brother's plans.

In a strange new set of circumstances, the demon you'd been hunting has forced you into her service, making you her champion. Guided by her words, you will need to journey to Caldasher, and find a way to kill her brother Tazrael.


(Restore 60 Health Points for each Companion. Add 200 gold pieces.)Word of your exploits in the fortress of Stonefold soon spread thick and fast throughout the dwarven encampment, especially when they learn that the demon residing within the fortress has mysteriously disappeared, and that you may have had something to do with it. Before you know it the dwarves in the camp are treating you like a proper lordling, showering you with gifts of food, gold and warm beds. However your victory in the fortress still remains bitter sweet for you. The demoness still lives and the mercenary captain, who had drugged you and chucked you in the dungeon has vanished from the camp. Both worrisome thoughts that keep you up most nights, instead of celebrating out with your new dwarven friends. 

Not that Lorna and Gorrack are doing much celebrating either, since the events in the great dwarven fortress the pair of them have kept their distance from you. Which was is to be expected considering what happened in the fortress. As for Dywin...

(If Dywin is still your companion click here.)

He took his leave of you as soon as you reappeared back in camp, saying that he was needed elsewhere, and that you two would meet again. 

All of which is fine with you, since they would have simply dampened your spirits anyway, with their constant glares and scowls of disgust. For the next couple of days, you spend your time moving about from campfire to campfire boasting of your skills as a warrior, drinking and getting into the occasion brawl with a drunken dwarf. All of which has been good for you, after all there had been moments in the stronghold when you were certain you wouldn't make it out of there alive, so this kind of celebration is definitely a welcome distraction. (Permanent increase of resilience by 1).

As your returning back to your tent to sleep off another night of heavy drinking, you bump into Lorna, who cringes her nose at you in revolt. "By the goddess! You smell worse than the pigs that roll about in the muck!" You smile tiredly in reply, "Good to see you too Lorna. I'd thought you and Gorrack woulda run off by now." Lorna's honey brown eyes light up angrily, her hands moving to her hips, and mouth becoming a thin red line. "Our work is not yet done, but that is not why I am here. Lord Darein has requested our presence at his tent." You raise your eyebrows up at that. "What does he want?" She smirks in reply, and brushes her hair back out of her eyes. "What do you think he wants, fool? He wants to see the so called demon slayer his warriors have been clamoring about. No doubt, he means to reward you for your efforts against the demon inside the fortress." Strangely enough this bit of news, brings down your light hearted mood, reminding you yet again of what occurred back at the stronghold. 

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