Betty : A Date, A Kiss

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I nervously applied pink lip gloss to my lips. I put my hair up in its signature pony and I fidgeted with the end of my pink dress. Archie was coming over tonight. He should be here any minute. I heard the doorbell. I raced downstairs. When I opened the door there he stood with his red hair and crescent moon smile. He was wearing jeans and his football coat.

"Hey B, so I was thinking instead of just hanging here... do you wanna go to Pop's?" He asked. There was really nothing else to do around here except hang at houses, go to Pop's, the drive in, and another movie seeing place the Bijou.

"Sure." I smiled at him. The walk there was silent and it just made me even more nervous but Archie looked like he didn't have a care in the world.

At Pop's we ordered milkshakes and burgers and while we waited I saw Jughead come in carrying his laptop bag. He didn't seem to notice us and he sat with his back to me across the room. I wanted to say hello, ask what he was working on tonight, but I didn't want to distract Archie so I stayed quiet. Finally, our food came and after Pop walked away Archie took my hands in his. I gasped.

"Betty...I kind of asked you here as a... date." Archie started.

Am I dreaming?

"If that's okay..."

"Yes yes I mean yeah." I laughed nervously and he smiled.

"I really like you." His thumb caressed my fingers.

But then I looked at Jughead again. He was watching us sadly. He pulled on his beanie. When he met my eyes he turned around.

"Archie, is Jughead okay?" I changed the subject rather rudely but I wanted to know. Archie blinked in surprise at me but followed my eyes.

"I mean I think so. Why?"

"He looks sad."

"He's always sad."

"No he's not. Archie, I'll be back." I had no idea why I was doing this. Archie stood up when I did and then gently grabbed my hand and spun me around. His lips were inches from mine but I couldn't help notice Jughead watching us again.

"Betty..." Archie said before pressing his lips to mine.

I've dreamed of this moment for so long, literally had dreams about it. But this didn't feel like my dreams. His lips weren't soft like I'd imagined, they were chapped. His tongue tasted sour to me, not sweet. I pulled back. He looked like he was a puppy I just kicked.

"I'm sorry Archie." I realized Kevin and Veronica were walking in and probably saw what just happened. I felt embarrassed so I ran out.

What the hell is wrong with me? I like Archie. Don't I?

When I was far enough away from Pop's I slowed to a walk. I didn't want to hurt Archie but I couldn't stop picturing Juggy's face. Was he jealous? No. But why..

"Bets?" I looked and saw Jughead behind me and out of breath. "Are you okay?"

"I..." I didn't know what to say.

"What happened? I thought you were gonna.. isn't that what you wanted?" He asked. I had no straight answer for him. Then his face changed. "Did he hurt you?"

"What? No no. I just. It wasn't like I thought it would be. It didn't feel right."

"So what are you gonna do now?" Jughead looked down but I saw a quick smile before he looked back at me.

"Why did you look so sad? At Pop's. Was it because Archie and I were on a date?" Jughead paled. "Are you jealous?"

"Look I just found you to make sure nothing bad happened. You don't need to make assumptions just to make yourself feel better about rejecting the guy you've liked since ever." Jughead spat and I felt the tears coming. This hurt more than the last half hour. I saw the regret on Jughead's face but it was too late. I turned and started walking home. "Betty wait! I'm sorry I just-"

"Go home." I said bitterly.

Back at home I got into pajamas and curled up in bed. I stared blankly at the wall wondering what I would say to Archie the next day. I fucked up. A knock at the window startled me. I looked and saw Jughead leaning against the window, standing on a ladder. I scowled at him and looked away. He knocked again, louder. I rolled my eyes. He would wake my parents.

"What do you want?" I asked after opening the window.

"I'm sorry." His voice was so soft and barely audible. "I was jealous." I felt my heart skip.

"Well nothing to be jealous of now. Anyway, why be so mean to me?"

"Because-" A knock came at my door.

"Betty, honey, can I come in?" My mom asked. Jughead rolled his eyes and began climbing down. I watched him until he put the ladder down.

"Yeah mom." I closed the window and sat back on my bed.

"So how did your date with Archie go?"

"I don't want to talk about it."


"Don't. Please I just wanna go to bed." My mom nodded and silently left. I was grateful that she didn't push me.

I barely slept that night.

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