Betty: The Plot Thickens

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The next morning, Jughead and I woke up late for school. Jellybean tried to sneak turning off the alarm so we would stay home but Jughead and I both agreed we shouldn't miss school. Jellybean stayed home with FP who was very pleasantly surprised to see his youngest.

"I still can't believe they're home, Bets." I'd never seen Jughead this happy.

"I'm so happy for you." When we got to school there was a crowd gathered in the middle of the hallway. "What's going on?" I asked and Jughead shrugged. I pushed through to see what the fuss was about. Two cops stood in the circle of teenagers hand cuffing Kevin. His dad, the sheriff, stood to the side shaking his head.

"Move aside!" One of the cops yelled and everyone made a pathway.

"Kevin?!" I searched his face but there wasn't even a hint of emotion. Jughead grabbed me as I tried to reach out for Kevin. "Kevin! What's happening? What's going on?" I was frantic. The look on Kevin's face told me he knew he did something, that he didn't regret it.

"Betty stop." Jughead whispered when I tried to follow the cops and Kevin down the hall. I turned to the sheriff.

"Why are you arresting your own son?!" I yelled.

"Ms. Cooper, please go to class."


"Betty..." Jughead warned.

"What just happened?!" The sheriff sighed and motioned for Jughead and me to follow. We walked out to the parking lot.

"If you wish to know more you have to come to the station."

"Fine." Jughead shook his head.

"I have a test today in math." Jughead said.

"You stay. I'll go. I have to go." Jughead sighed. He didn't want me going alone. He kissed my forehead.

"Call me after school if you don't make it back."

"I will."

At the station, I had to wait for almost an hour while Sheriff Keller dealt with the situation. Finally, Kevin's dad called me to his office. "Now Ms. Cooper, this information is extremely sensitive. I do not want you sharing this with anyone; not with your friends, classmates, not on social media, not even with your boyfriend. Your mother is coming in later today to discuss the same information."


"As you know, Polly's death was ruled a murder, it still is, but Jason did not kill her. Jason didn't even kill himself." The sheriff paused for a while before continuing. "My son did. He apparently...had an affair with Jason and... he got jealous. I don't know if you were aware of this but Kevin has been on some medication since he was young. His anger gets the best of him. When he started high school I let him handle his medicine, a fault on my part. He didn't take it. He knew Jason and Polly were dating but he didn't know that Jason actually cared I suppose." Yet another pause. "I'm sorry, it's just very hard to talk about. The information is so new."

"It's okay, take your time, sir." I said softly.

"He found Jason and Polly at Sweetwater River. They were swimming. He told me he saw how happy they were and 'everything went black'. He killed Polly and made it look like a murder-suicide. Although he told me it was impulsive... he was wearing gloves. His prints weren't on the scene."

"So how did you..."

"I found his video diaries."


"He videotaped from when Jason caught him watching him and Polly to when he killed them. He documented a lot since then. It's all on his computer. I don't know if you knew this but he was also having an affair with Clifford Blossom. According to the video diaries, Clifford and Kevin were found out and so Clifford ended it. " Sheriff Keller took a deep breath. I could tell he was close to tears. "Kevin couldn't handle the rejection. He took the same gun used to kill Jason and Polly and... shot Clifford. Clifford was found dead today but he was killed yesterday morning."

That's where Kevin went during the assembly. He went to kill Clifford Blossom.

"I'm sorry, we can continue this later. I need to... go home." Sheriff Keller said and I nodded.

"Of course. I'm so sorry. I...I never thought he would've been capable... I'm sorry." With that, I stood up and left. I couldn't focus on anything and I almost bumped into several things on the way out. I wanted to confide in Jughead but I also didn't want to ruin his happiness. The damage was done there was nothing more to do. Then again, he knew I went to the station. He would have heard the rumors by now. I had to tell him.

When I got back to school it was lunch. I found the group in the cafeteria. Cheryl didn't seem to be affected by this. Maybe she didn't even know, but how could she not? Archie sat with his arm lazily draped over Cheryl. Jughead sat with feet on the bench. He was working on homework. I wanted to run and hide. They all looked so content. When I got the nerve to walk over, their three heads looked to me intensely.

"Hey how'd it go?" Jughead asked and moved over so I could sit. He planted a kiss on my lips but I didn't kiss back. "Did you find out what happened?"

"Yeah is Kevin okay?" Archie added. I looked down.

"Betty?" Jughead's face flooded with concern.

"Cheryl, I don't know if you know-"

"I know everything Betty. It's okay." I looked up. She seemed sincere. She didn't seem upset.

"Wait you know? Then care to enlighten us?" Archie said.

"Kevin killed Polly and Jason... and Mr. Blossom." Jughead and Archie audibly gasped.

"What? There's got to be a mistake!" Archie insisted but I shook my head. I lowered my voice and told them what Sheriff Keller told me.

"Holy shit." Jughead was the first to talk.

"Holy fucking shit." Archie corrected.

"Cheryl, are you okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"My father was never 'nice' to Jason or me. It's no great loss. I mean it is but I guess it wasn't a surprise that someone killed him. The surprise is that Kevin... did."

"I just don't understand. I get he was off his meds but he's gotten mad at us before and he never..." I drifted off and looked away. I felt Jughead's arm snake around me.

"Did Sheriff Keller say what meds he was on?" Archie asked and I shook my head.

"I never even knew he was on medication." I said.

"I also can't believe Jason was gay!" Archie exclaimed and Cheryl rolled her eyes.

"He was bisexual." Cheryl said.

"Didn't know that either." Archie said and shook his head as he tried to comprehend the whole situation.

"Betty do you need to go home?" Jughead asked and I shook my head again.

"I'm okay, just in shock. I'm just worried."

AUTHOR NOTE: I decided there will be another chapter tomorrow because this one was kind of short and I got writer's block! Thank you all for 5k! ❤❤❤❤

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