Jughead: Family Reunion

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Jughead pov

"Mom?" I answered the phone cautiously.

"Jug!" My mom exclaimed, surprised I answered.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes! In fact... I've decided I'm coming home, to Riverdale."

"Are you serious!?" I smiled brightly and I looked over to the gang as they raised their eyebrows at me from across the room.

"We're already on the bus. Now, your father and I... I can't go back to him. But I want to see you! My baby, my first born! Jellybean and I miss you so much."

"I miss you guys too. I can't believe you're coming! So many things have changed!"

"I can't wait to hear about it all. I have to go, honey. I'll be at Pop's around midnight. Is that too late because of school?"

"No that's fine mom. I'll be there. I love you."

"I love you."

I put my phone back in my pocket and tried to nonchalantly walk back to the couch, but they saw through me.

"Who was that Juggy?" Betty asked and I was so ecstatic that I pulled her up from the red sofa and spun her around ending the spin with a sloppy kiss. She giggled loudly.

"Did you win the lottery or something?" Archie asked and I shook my head laughing.

"My mom's coming home." Everyone said how happy they were for me and smiled back except Betty. Something changed in her eyes and she looked down. "Betty?" I whispered. Betty sat back down. The bell rang loudly in my ears and I groaned. As we all walked down to English, I observed Betty. She seemed upset about my mom coming but why would she? In class, I sat next to her as usual and turned to face her. "What's wrong?"

"I just don't want you getting excited and then going to your... dark place again, like last time. When you left me for a little while. She disappeared so many times. I don't want you getting hurt." She looked guilty as if she thought I'd be mad about her concern.

"I appreciate that, Bets. I really do. But last time, my mom didn't warn us. She came to check on my dad and me and left. This time she planned it. She's even bringing Jellybean."

"Wow, I haven't seen Jellybean since she was a toddler." Betty seemed more happy about it now. I knew why she was concerned but this time was different. I wouldn't leave Betty again. We were in a good place now, a really good place. I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that. Even if my mom came and rained Hell on me, Betty was with me. I was with her. I told her this. "I love you."

"Not as much as I-" I started but Kevin cut me off.

"Don't make me puke with this gushy stuff. You love each other, wonderful. Some of us are trying to work." Kevin had been bitter ever since the day he got that letter from the principal. I knew he was hurting but he was better off. Clifford Blossom had been using him. He was a creep. He was a creep anyway and manipulating Kevin made him more of a creep.

"Sorry Kev." Betty apologized with a gentle smile which melted my heart. She caught me staring and blushed. This weekend would be our "one year anniversary". I still made her blush and turn away even after a year. Sure, we broke up twice for two to three weeks at a time, but we decided because we never stopped loving each other and we didn't care for anyone else that it was just a break.

"It's fine. Sorry." Kevin mumbled back. Then the speaker came on.

"Everyone please report to the gymnasium for first period. I repeat, everyone please report to the gymnasium for first period." Principal Morrow talked loudly through the speaker.

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