B+J: A Double Tragedy pt. 2

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Betty pov

It was my fault that my dad died and that woman was in the hospital. I could've, should've stopped him from driving. My sister, my father were both dead now. My mom told me I couldn't have done anything. But I could've. I could've taken the keys while she was telling him to leave. I could've run after him. I could've called Kevin or the Sheriff sooner. But I waited.

Two funerals in two months. Jughead and Archie rode with my mom and I to the funeral. When I told Archie what happened he and Jughead got together to come over for the next two days and help my mom and me out. My mom had nothing specific against Archie but she did like Jughead better.

At the funeral, my mom spoke. She talked of how he was a loving husband and father and didn't deserve this, "everyone makes mistakes". I refused to say anything on his behalf. When people started getting up and talking I took my opportunity to leave. I needed air.

Of course it was raining. It was sunshine at Polly's funeral, because she deserved it. My dad deserved this rain. Archie came out.

"Jughead's looking for you." He said standing next to me.

"I can't go back in there, Arch."

"Do you want me to get him or tell him you went home or-"

"I just need to be alone. Tell him I'm taking a walk. Please don't worry Archie. I'm okay." Archie hugged me and went back in to inform Jughead.

I walked for two hours, wandering aimlessly. I knew my mascara was scattered under my eyes. My hair was soaked and flat and my clothes were heavy.

I didn't cry. I hadn't cried all day. He didn't deserve it but although he was gone now I was still furious at him. I ended up at Sweetwater River, where Polly was murdered by her boyfriend. Polly always talked about how good he was to her, how loving and sweet. She talked about how they would get married and have kids after high school. And then he killed her in cold blood.

I loved Jughead. I knew he wouldn't do a thing to harm me, but wasn't that what Polly thought?

I shook my head clear of those insane thoughts. I knew with no doubt in my mind that Jughead would only ever protect me. I always got a weird vibe from Jason anyway. I didn't get that vibe at all with Jughead.

I sat there staring at the calm water. I checked my phone. The only missed calls were from Jughead. No other notifications.

I should go home now.

I got up and began walking back. I called Jughead back. It only rang once before he answered.

"Hey Betty, I didn't mean to bother you. I know you were going on a walk I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm okay enough, as okay as I can be..."

"Do you need anything?"

"No, but thank you, Jug. Do you mind if I take the day off tomorrow? Socially. I just want time to clear my head."

"Of course Bets. Take all the time you need, but just remember I'm here. I'm your boyfriend who loves you."

I smiled to myself. He was only this affectionate with words when it was just us and I thought it was nice. His voice soothed me.

"Thank you. I love you too. I'm almost home so I gotta go. I'll talk to you tomorrow night. I just need a day alone."

"Goodnight Betty."

"Goodnight Jug."

When I got in my house I found myself to be alone. "Mom?" I called. Nothing. I checked the house. She definitely wasn't home. I called her.


"Mom where are you?"

"I'm at the Andrews'. Why don't you come over?"

"It's late Mom. I really just wanna go to bed."

"Okay. I'll be home soon sweetie." I hung up and went upstairs. I showered and changed into pajamas. When I was brushing my hair I saw the silver necklace my dad gave me when I was twelve. I snatched it from the jewelry holder and ripped the heart shaped locket from the chain. I threw them both in the trash. When I was back in bed I cried myself to sleep.

Jughead pov

I stayed at Archie's house the night of the funeral. After Betty called her mom, her mom went home. In the morning, I almost called Betty but remembered she wanted her alone time. I thought this was the time to not be alone, but I respected her wishes and didn't call her all day.

Instead, I played video games with Archie and we talked about dumb stuff. At around 8 o'clock Archie and I ordered pizza. Betty still hadn't called.

"She's next door Jug. She's okay." Archie said reading my mind.

"I know, I just worry."

Betty pov

I spent the day in my room, reading. I couldn't really focus on the book though. I was too preoccupied with the recent deaths in my family. I was starting Sophomore year in two weeks. I wasn't ready to face everyone, but I was ready for a distraction. I wanted everything to be okay. How could I face everyone and their questions? How could I face Cheryl?

I put my book down and buried my head in my pillow. My mom was supposed to go to work today but she stayed home. We held each other earlier this morning and then my mom retreated back to her room.

It was 8 o'clock. I hadn't eaten all day and I still hadn't called Jughead. He would understand. I should text him anyway. I texted him that I was sorry I didn't call and I'd talk to him tomorrow before I went to sleep.

AUTHOR NOTE: Sorry this chapter was short! The next few will be much longer! I won't be updating tomorrow because I'll be working on the next chapter but I'll update in a few days for sure. Thank you guys for all of your votes and reads! It means a lot to me :)

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