BONUS CHAPTER : Archie pov

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"Cheryl?" I was beyond surprised when she called me crying.

"I'm sorry, I just miss him so much. I can't believe my own brother, my twin could be capable of this. Then with Betty's mom coming over here. Everything is such a mess."

"Betty's mom?"

Then she told me what happened. Jeez, I thought.

"Do you wanna come over? My dad won't be home for a few days." I asked as I heard more sobbing from her end of the line.

"Can I?"

"Of course."

"I'll be there in an hour or that okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be here."

"Thanks Arch."

Two hours later Cheryl showed up at my doorstep. Her red hair was down to her waist in curls. Her pale skin shone in the dark. Her lips were painted red with lipstick and she wore a long, black dress.

"Cheryl, there you are! Come in." She stepped in and looked around.

"It's a lot smaller than I'm used to..." She admitted and I rolled my eyes.

"Really Cheryl? I'm helping you here."

"You're right, sorry."

"Do you wanna order pizza?" I asked when she sat down on a stool in the kitchen.

"Pepperoni please?"


After I ordered, Cheryl told me about her brother. She told me stories about them when they were younger and how they snuck out to the pool house when their parents fighting got too much. She told me about Jason teaching her how to ride a bike for "bring your bike to school day" and how he always defended her against any bullies. He was part of the reason she was so "popular" now.

Then the pizza got here. I only had one slice. Cheryl had half of one. "Cheryl, I'm really sorry about your brother. He was a really cool guy."

"You're the only one who's had nice things to say about my brother."

"I know what he did was awful, but there's always more to a story. Maybe he went temporarily insane. I mean, we won't know, but no one will. I guess I'm trying to say people who weren't there shouldn't be so quick to judge. Especially since everyone is judging you. You didn't kill Polly."

Cheryl moved her gaze from my face down to my feet and back again. Before I could get another word out, Cheryl stood and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and smashed her lips to mine. I kissed her back just as hard. She ran her hands down my chest to my belt. I picked her up by her thighs and carried her upstairs.


In the morning, I woke up with Cheryl's bare chest on mine. "Morning." I said, gently shaking her.

"Morning Archie." She smiled at me. She was gorgeous.

"Uh so last night was amazing." I said and sat up.


"I mean we can't ya know. Betty's my best friend."

"I see. Well thanks a lot." She scrambled out of bed and threw on her clothes. "Don't talk to me again."

I was shocked. I didn't mean to upset her that much. I mean we never even went on a date. We've never hung out. Why would she expect more?

My phone rang. Jughead's name popped up. "Hey."

"Meet us at Pop's in ten." The line clicked.

It was too early for all of this.

AUTHOR NOTE: This was just a fun little "hold you over" chapter but get ready!!!!

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