Betty: A Double Tragedy pt. 1

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The video is the song that I listened to while writing this chapter! Enjoy!

The next morning, my mom called Jughead and me down. We were dressed by then. We sat at the kitchen table. "Good morning." She said.

"Morning mom." Thoughts of Polly vanished when my mom said her next words.

"So I know Jughead's been sleeping here in your room and you two have been doing God knows what, but I think it's time for you, Jughead, to go home. You're welcome here whenever but we will manage now. We just need time." Jughead choked on his orange juice when my mom said "doing God knows what". I laughed for a second because of what happened, almost happened, last night.

"Of course, Ms. C. I'll go get my things now." He went to stand and my mom shook her head.

"After breakfast!" My mom said and he smiled and sat down. I held his hand under the table while we ate.

When Jughead was gathering his things I admired him in the doorway. Though his beanie was on, a few stray curls popped out. I noticed when he licked his lips, thinking. He changed from his old pajama t shirt to a new and clean t shirt. He clipped his suspenders on and let them hang over his tan pants. I bit my lip at the sight of his bare chest, nice muscles and all.

"Okay I'm all set." Jughead said.

"I'll walk you home."

"You don't have to Bets."

"I'll be okay. Let me walk you." He agreed and I smiled. I got dressed quickly and met him outside. He swung his backpack over his shoulder and took my hand as we walked. It felt normal again. We just chatted. Everything was okay. Except it wasn't. But there was no harm in pretending for a while. When we got to the trailer Jughead dropped his bag on the steps and turned to me.

"Tell your mom I said thank you again for letting me stay. Are you gonna be okay? I'm only a phone call away." He held my face. I smiled at his tenderness.

"I'll be okay. I'll call you when I get home. I may stop and see Archie first. I love you."

"I love you." He kissed me. He pulled back too soon but I waved as I walked back.

When I got to Archie's I didn't knock. I stood there a good five minutes before finally just getting it over with. After a few knocks, Archie answered. "Betty! Hey, come in." We sat down in his living room. "I feel like I haven't seen you in so long."

"I know. I'm so sorry. It's just everything has me so locked up. First Jughead ignored me and left, then Polly was sent away, then Jason died and then -"

"Wait, Polly was sent away?" I froze.

"She was sent away the morning Jason was announced missing,dead... which doesn't make sense. Uh I have to go home Archie. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No I'm okay."

When I got home my dad was watching TV. "Where's mom?" He looked up.

"She went food shopping, she'll be back soon. What's wrong?"

"You couldn't have sent Polly away." He stood up. "They both died that day. Jason killed her. How could she be with Jason if you guys sent her away that morning?!"

"Shut up, Elizabeth." My dad was angry. I backed up instinctively right as the front door opened and my mom came waltzing in with grocery bags. She went right to the kitchen after a quick nod to me. I followed her.

"Mom." She finished putting the food away and then faced me.

"Yes sweetie?"

I said exactly what I said to my dad.

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