Betty : At Last

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When I called my dad he apologized and promised it won't happen again. I felt so numb all I could do was say it's okay. I believed him. I went over to Archie's house after I was off the phone with my dad. "Hey Betty." I told him I would explain everything. And so I did. "Jeez, I'm so sorry Betty." He hugged me. It wasn't as warm as when Jughead held me but it was comforting nonetheless.

"I'm just scared it'll happen again. Or what if he does it to Polly?"

"Do you think he will?"

"I don't think so. My nerves are just getting to me."

"Understandable. So Betty, about the other night.." Why was he still going on about it? I just wanted to forget it.

"I'm sorry Archie. I told you."

"I just wanted to know if you're sure that you don't feel...that way."

"I thought I did. I just I don't anymore." Archie stepped away from me.

"Okay Betty."

"I'm gonna go home. I have a lot of homework to do." I announced and we said goodbye. Only I didn't go home. I found myself at Jughead's trailer. I should've texted first. I heard shouting  so I hid behind a shed next to the trailer. The door to the trailer slammed and Jughead stepped outside. He had on his usual jeans, boots, and light wash jean jacket. Suspenders hung at his knees and he wasn't wearing his beanie. He was holding it. I heard him shout out a swear and he started to walk off. Then he turned around and went back inside but came out with a bag a few minutes later.

I was frozen to my spot. I waited until he walked out of sight and I went back home.

* A week and a half later *

We were at Pop's again. I sat next to Jughead in the booth and Veronica and Archie sat across from us. We were discussing mid-terms and winter break coming up.

"Have any plans, Jughead?" Archie asked.

"Not really." He replied. I didn't know what was going on at home for him but I knew he probably wasn't going on any vacation.

"Does anyone in this town ever leave?" V asked.

"No" I laughed. "Vacation for us Riverdale folk is going to the mall in the next town." Archie and Jughead laughed with us.

"So dreadful." V said. "We should all do something!"

"Like what?" Archie asked.

"Go to a hotel somewhere for a weekend." V responded.

"Yeah right. My mom would never go for that." I said.

"Same with my dad." Archie said.

"We're broke teenagers. We couldn't anyway." Jughead said.

"I have money." V persisted and I wanted to but I knew it would never happen.

"V I really can't." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Grr." I laughed at her fake annoyance.

"Hey Betty." I looked and saw Chuck, a guy from school, standing at our table.

"Uh hey." I cleared my throat.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah uh sure." I felt confused as I got out of the booth and followed Chuck a few feet away. "So what's up?"

"I wanted to see if you wanted to go out sometime? It's almost break." I thought about this. Chuck had dark brown eyes to match his skin and he wore a black leather jacket over a gray t shirt. He smiled with his plump lips. "C'mon, just one date?" He was cute,sure, but we've barely ever spoken.

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