J+B: In Love with Your Love

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After school, Betty came to my trailer again because her mom had gone on a trip for "work" after being called into the station. Jellybean and my dad sat on the couch watching cartoons. My dad didn't look happy, like he should've been.

"Hey Dad." He looked at me and sighed. Jellybean avoided making eye contact with me. "What's wrong?"

Betty took my hand to comfort me. "Tell him, Jelly." My dad said and looked back to the TV. I stared at Jellybean.

"Mommy left." It was no surprise. I didn't expect her to stay.

"Of course. She didn't take you?" I was confused. She had visited with Jellybean years ago but always took her back. Then she started showing up without Jellybean. Now she left without Jellybean.

Jellybean looked down. "Tell him." My dad urged. He looked as if he was in a lot of pain.

"Mom's been... taking things she isn't supposed to so she's going to a place to help her. She promised she'll be back." I looked at Betty who seemed just as confused as I was.

"Taking what? Do you mean drugs?" Jellybean nodded and that's when the anger took over. I slipped my hand out of Betty's grip. "She was doing drugs and had the nerve to judge Dad for having a drink now and then?!" My dad closed his eyes. That's what he was thinking. "I can't believe her." Before I could yell more in front of Jelly, I stalked off to my room. Betty followed at my heels. I knew she was trying to talk to me but her voice was muffled in my ears.

"Jughead!" Betty grabbed my arm and spun me around to face her.

"What?!" I didn't mean to shout at her. She didn't do this.

Betty ignored my attitude. "She's getting help! It's going to be okay."

"And if it's not? What if she just dropped Jellybean here so she could do more drugs, without having to worry about anything else?"


"Betty, leave me alone right now." Betty looked hurt but only for a moment.

"No." She said and I looked up at her sharply. "We promised to stop pushing each other away."

I sighed in defeat. I didn't want to push her away. It was my reflexive reaction. I sat down on my bed and hung my head. Betty knelt before me and gently put her hands on either side of my face. I relaxed instantly to her touch.

"Your mom went to get her act together before you could see her with the drugs. You have Jellybean back. It's going to be okay this time."

"What if she doesn't come back?" I felt tears brewing. "Again..." I added.

"Then you're better off." She stood up and kissed my forehead. I wanted to focus my attention solely on her.

"I love you."

"I love you Jug." I kissed her, hard. She kissed back but softly. I didn't want to be "rough" with her if she didn't want me to so I softened the kiss. I think she knew where I wanted this to go because she said "We can't with your dad and little sister home."

"You're right...unfortunately." She blushed.

"We need to start homework."


"It's due tomorrow."

"Yes it is." Betty rolled her eyes as she often did around me. It was playful and cute.


Betty pov

Today was Friday which meant tomorrow was my one year anniversary with Jughead. At lunch, I didn't see Jughead. I sat across from Cheryl and Archie as usual. "Where's Jug?"

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