A lot of pov's : Secrets

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Update Schedule: I will update Saturday's and Wednesday's !

Betty pov

We (Archie, Jughead, Cheryl, and I) were sitting in the common room when Kevin stormed in shooting daggers at Cheryl. "What the fuck?"

She shook her head. "What?" Cheryl had been hanging around us since Veronica left. Apparently her and Archie were dating now.

"You told everyone?"

"Told everyone what?" Archie intervened.

"About me and Clifford!" We all gasped.

"What?!" The four of us chorused. Kevin's face turned beet red.

"Um, so you didn't know?" Cheryl stood up.

"That's who my father's gay lover was? You!?" Cheryl gaped at Kevin. This wasn't going to go well.

"If you didn't know... " Kevin ignored the growing rage from Cheryl and handed a piece of paper to me.

Dear Kevin Keller,
It has come to my attention from someone close to this subject that you and Mr. Blossom have been "frolicking" on school property. I understand that this may be embarrassing for you to read, but please be assured this information will not be released, at least not from me. I will not alert your father even though you are a minor. Although if the affair continues on school grounds, we will have to have a meeting with you, your father, and Mr. Blossom. Please think through your decisions.

Principal Morrow

After everyone, including Cheryl, read and re read the letter we handed it back to Kevin. "Why did you assume it was Cheryl?" Archie asked.

"It says 'someone close to this subject'. Cheryl is his daughter and she goes to school here. Who else would it be? Your mom?"

Cheryl shook her head 'no' at him. "When did this even start?" I questioned.

"Remember last year... I told you about my date."


"Ugh, when you and Jughead first got together!"


"The one we teased you about?" Jughead finally spoke.


"Ew." Cheryl frowned dramatically. "Ew ew ew." I saw Jughead try and hold back a laugh.

"I have to find out who else knows! I need to know who told!" Kevin started pacing and I stood up.

"We'll help you, Kev. Don't worry, it won't get out." I said.

"My father could go to jail if this gets out. Why the hell did you two do anything on SCHOOL PROPERTY?" Cheryl yelled.

"Shh!" All of us glared at her.

"It was after school. He would sometimes pick me up after art club and things just got heated. We only did it twice at school." Kevin defended.

"Oh my god stop. I might throw up." Cheryl held her head. Kevin rolled his eyes.

"What are we going to do?" Jughead asked no one in particular.

"You have to ask Principal Morrow who told her." I told Kevin and he sighed.

"Do you realize how embarrassed I am already?"

"If you don't want this getting out..." I convinced him. We decided to go with him after school to wait for him to talk to Principal Morrow about it.

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