Betty + Jughead: The Summer

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AUTHOR NOTE: So the video is kind of like a trailer. Don't watch it if you haven't seen the whole first season.

Fast forward to summer. More specifically, June 21st.

Betty pov

Jughead just told me he and Archie are going on a road trip the weekend of July fourth. "Is that okay?" Jug asked.

"Of course Juggy!" He kissed my cheek.

"I'm actually kind of excited. He and I haven't been as close since.."

"We started dating. I'm sorry Jug."

"It's not your fault. Anyway, he's kind of dating around now. He shouldn't be holding any grudges still." He searched my face. "Does it bother you?"

I burst out laughing. "We've been together for months and you're asking if it bothers me that my best friend, whom I rejected, is dating people?"

He looked away embarrassed but I took his hand. "I just worry sometimes."

"About what?"

"That you'll get sick of me. Or that you'll realize you actually like Archie and then leave me in the dust."

"That will never happen. I'm yours."

"You mean a lot to me."

"Everyone wants to meet at Veronica's house." I said after seeing a text from V. "She's throwing a party."

"Do I have to go?" I knew it wasn't his scene. He didn't like big social crowds.


"Okay well have fun. I'll be at Pop's if you get bored." He stood up and I grabbed his arm.

"I'm not going."

"Don't stay on my account, Bets."

"I'm not even in a party mood. I just wanna stay home and watch movies with you." He smiled so wide I couldn't help but smile back.

"In that case, I'm going to get food from Pop's and snacks and I'll be back to binge watch with you until your mom kicks me out." He kissed me and was off.

A little over an hour later Jughead was back. He set out all of the goodies on the living room table. Wow did he go all out. "What all did you get Juggy?"

"A little bit of everything." I giggled. "Two milkshakes, vanilla for you of course. Two burgers, fries, candy, popcorn, and a two liter Coke." He looked so happy with himself. It was so cute.

"You're trying to make me fat!" I exclaimed and he laughed. We stayed up until about two in the morning watching movies, talking, and eating. Many weekends were like this and now that it was summer we'd have plenty more nights like this. My parents were too preoccupied with Polly and Jason to worry about Jughead staying so late all of the time. They hated the fact that Polly was dating Jason. Right now they were fighting and probably close to breaking up but Polly didn't talk to me about details.

The next morning I woke up to yelling. I went downstairs. "You did this!" Polly yelled at our parents. "He loves me he never would've otherwise!" She was bawling her eyes out. I backed up a little on the stairs so they didn't see me.

"Polly don't blame us for Jason hurting you. He's a foul boy anyway. All the Blossoms are." My dad said just as upset.

"What do you have against them?!" Polly turned away. "Forget it. I'm not talking to either of you."

"Polly..." my mom reached out to her and she shoved her off which caught me off guard.

"Don't touch me. Don't talk to me." With that Polly headed for the stairs and I walked down casually as if I hadn't heard a thing.

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