B+J: The Funeral

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Jughead pov

I had to go to Archie's to borrow a suit for Polly's funeral. I decided to move past the camping trip thing. I needed to focus on Betty.

"How is she?" Archie asked as I put my beanie on while wearing the suit.

"Not good. I feel like shit. I didn't call.. didn't text and then I left her and then her sister..."

"Are you back with her because of what happened?"

"No. I love her. I called her before I knew. I tried to go to her house to beg for forgiveness but I didn't understand why she was sending all of us away until ya know."

"Yeah... Do you think she'll talk to the rest of us today? We all miss her."

"I'm sure she will. She's just needed space I guess."

"Oh before you go... why did you leave her? I know you're crazy about her."

I looked down. Should I tell him?

"My mom came back." Archie did a double take.


"She came back to see how my dad was doing and he was drunk when she knocked on the door so she started screaming. She didn't bring Jellybean with her. When they were done fighting I tried to talk to her and you know what she said? 'You'll be just like him. I can't let Jellybean be around that.' " I had tears in my eyes but I wiped them away.

"Oh shit Jug I would never have guessed that. What the fuck you're nothing like your dad. You've never even had a drink."

"I know. I gotta go Archie. I'll see you at the funeral."


"Don't tell Betty." I said as I walked through the door and Archie nodded.

When I went back to the Cooper house Betty was still in her room. I knocked. "Bets?" The door opened. She had her hair down and she wore a beautiful black dress with a black sweater. She was crying. I pulled her into my arms and she sighed.

"I don't want to face anyone today." She said while pulling back.

"You don't have to, not really. I won't leave your side."

"Thank you Juggy." I kissed her and her hands came to rest on my face. I tasted her salty tears.

"I love you Betty."

"I love you Jug."

The ride to the funeral home was long and silent. We got there just as everyone was arriving. When Veronica, Archie, and Kevin got there Betty hid behind me.

"I'm not ready."

"I know Bets." I felt her shaking body against my back and I gave a half wave to the group as they sat together. Once everyone arrived Betty and I sat in the front. It was a closed casket. Everything was going as planned until Cheryl Blossom showed up. Betty had just given her speech about Polly and had kissed the casket when Cheryl burst through the doors. I never saw Betty so mad. She had her hands curled into fists at her sides. Cheryl marched to the front and I stood up.

"Betty I know what it looks like but Jason would never do this to Polly. I know Jason. My brother wouldn't." Cheryl and Jason were twins.

"Get. Out." Alice Cooper, Betty's mom, said approaching Betty.

"I don't mean any harm."

"Bullshit." I muttered but she heard.

"I just wanted to say my condolences."

"Then do so after the funeral you dim wit. Don't come barging in defending your psycho brother in the middle of Polly's funeral. Don't you think the Coopers have gone through enough? Did you really think they'd welcome your presence today? Are you that bitchy or are you that dense?" I practically shouted. Cheryl was at a loss for words and her eyes widened with each word I had spoken. "Get. Out." Cheryl just nodded and scurried out the doors once more. I sat down. I was embarrassed until I saw Betty and her mom's expressions. They were proud? Grateful?

The funeral continued after a few moments of awkward silence. After the funeral, Betty found me by the food. She rested her hand on my arm gently. "Juggy." She smiled. I hadn't seen her smile in almost a week. "Thank you. I can't even explain how much what you did means to me." She pressed her body on mine and kissed me hard but quick.

"I would do anything to protect you in any way."

"I think I want to talk to our friends... come?" Our friends. My friends were her and Archie but I nodded.

"Of course." When we went up to them they all scrambled to hug Betty. I could tell Betty was happy to see them. Good.

"Betty I've missed you so much. I'm so sorry." Veronica said.

"Betty I can't even imagine." Kevin said sadly and Archie stood silent.

Betty thanked them. They started talking about how good and beautiful and such was Polly. It comforted Betty. That's all I wanted. I wanted Betty to be happy and feel safe.

Betty pov

When we got home from the funeral everything Jughead said replayed in my mind. He was there for me. He's been there for me. I wanted to die after knowing I lost Polly but he helped me. He brought back the motivation to stay strong. I thought about what he first said to me about how he had stuff going on at home. I wanted to comfort him too.

"Hey Juggy?"

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