Jughead: "I love you.", "I know"

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It took almost an hour to get to Cheryl's house. She lived a little ways away from the rest of the townspeople. She also had a super long driveway. Finally, Betty and I got to the front door. She knocked. I could hear yelling from inside. When the door opened, Cheryl stood on the other side of it. Black marks, mascara I guessed, were smeared down her cheeks and her hair was a tangled mess.

"Cheryl, what's going on?" Betty asked, leaning to try to see inside the house.

"It's between our parents. I thought it was about what happened at school, but it's not. I'm sorry I dragged you here." Cheryl said calmly.

"Um... Can I come in?" Betty asked raising her eyebrows.

"Okay." Cheryl moved aside for us to get inside. Everyone inside the house froze and stared at us. The sight was a mess. Cheryl's mom was standing in front of Betty's mom. Her neck veins were popping out and her face was bright red. Betty's mom had a similar look.

"Mom?" Betty asked looking at her mom, worried.

No one said a thing. I didn't speak. I observed. "Why are you here, Elizabeth?" Ms. Cooper frowned at Betty. No one seemed to notice me. I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing.

"Well Cheryl, she texted me to come over."

Both the moms glared at Cheryl, who just looked to the floor. "What happened? What... is happening?"  Betty persisted.

"Lets go home, Betty." Her mom said but Betty wasn't having it.

"Tell me now."

"Your dad had an affair with my mom." Cheryl spit out.

"What?" Betty and I both looked at Ms. Blossom.

"He wasn't happy with your mother, I can imagine why." She defended herself. I scowled at her. What a slut, a pig.

"And what the hell about your husband?" Betty shouted.

"None of your business, child." I scoffed. Ms. Blossom looked like an old witch compared to Betty's mom. She was scarily skinny with wrinkles before her time. Her chin was long and she always had her maroon hair in a tight bun.

"And who are you?" Cheryl's mom directed her attention to me.

"Betty's boyfriend, Jughead Jones."

"You're FP's son? The alcoholic."

I took a deep breath before going to answer but Betty's mom intervened. "At least he doesn't have a wretched pair of children and a gay husband."

"Woah." I said.

"What?" Betty and Cheryl exclaimed together.

"Haven't you wondered where your father goes at night?" Ms. Cooper purred with content.

"Mommy?" Cheryl asked, pleading with her eyes to let it be a lie. But her mom only looked away to the stairs. Cheryl shook her head and sobbed as she ran up the stairs.

"It's time for us to go, guys." Ms. Cooper said and headed for the door. Before Betty could follow Ms. Blossom grabbed her by the arm.

"Say one word of this to anyone at your school..." She was threatening Betty. I stepped up to her.

"Let her go." When the witch's hand released Betty she slapped her. Without thinking, I pushed Ms. Blossom. She didn't go to the floor or anything but she did stumble back quite a bit. Betty tugged at my sleeve and we left.

We followed Ms. Cooper to her car in silence. When we passed the gate that closed off the Blossom property, Betty spoke. "How did you find out?"

Ms. Cooper sighed. "I was on the house computer and saw some deleted files. It was their emails to each other. They had been meeting up in the middle of the night for a little over a year now."

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