Betty: Darkness

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Betty pov

I hadn't slept in a week, not enough. I stayed in my room. I shut off my phone. I refused to see visitors. "Betty?" My mom called from outside my room. I sat up slowly. "Are you in there?"

Is she crying?

"Mom?" I got up and opened the door. Sure enough she was crying. "Mom?" I repeated and she wiped her eyes.

"We need to go to the station." The ride there was silent. My dad was shaking and my mom was crying and all I could do was sit and wait. At Sheriff Keller's police station (Kevin's dad) we were brought to a back room.

"I assume you all know why you're here." He said and I shook my head. "Oh." He looked at my parents sadly. "Uh Betty..."


Someone just tell me already!

"You know about Jason being missing?" He said and I nodded slowly, unsure of where he was going with this. "Well, we found his body." Okay?

"Okay..." My parents would not be upset about that.

"We also found another body..." Oh.

No. No no please.

"Whose... body?" I was the one shaking now. I knew. I just knew.

"Your sister's...Polly. " I lost it. I saw black. I saw red. I dug my nails into my palms.


"I'm sorry Betty. I'm sorry for all of you." He said and I heard my parents sobbing. This had to be a nightmare. "Betty, I need to discuss other details... about what happened. Only your parents are required to be here.. you may step out if-"

"I'm staying." I couldn't think straight but I needed to know what happened.

There was a long pause.

"Well they were found a ways down the river, Sweetwater, from what we have from forensics so far it appears to be a um murder-suicide." My mom sobbed more. "Jason shot Polly before he...shot himself. They appeared to be in the river itself when it happened which explains why their carried down."

Tears wouldn't stop leaking from my blood shot eyes. Sheriff Keller was saying something else but I couldn't hear him. I couldn't focus. I ran out of the room, out of the station. I ran blindly until I saw them. Archie and the gang. I stopped. Word gets around too fast in Riverdale. Jughead was there. He was walking over to me. The others stayed, waiting for me to do something. I felt his arms, Jughead's, around me and I released all of my emotions. I sobbed, I hit him, I cursed, I crumpled in his arms.

"I'm so sorry Betty. I'm here. I'm so sorry. Shh." He cooed.

"You left me. Why are you here?"

"Betty I had troubles at home that don't come close to comparing to what you're going through. I tried to call, to visit, all week. I'm so sorry baby." I froze and looked up at him. He called me baby. He never once called me that. I kissed his lips. I was still crying. We leaned our foreheads together.

"Take me home please." He nodded. Jughead went over to our group and said something. They all nodded and he came back to me.

"Come here." He said gently and wrapped his arm around me as we walked. When we got to my house we went to my room. I needed to lie down.

"Juggy, please stay." I meant it in more ways than I implied but I knew he knew.

"I'll never leave. Not ever again." I didn't care if my parents came home soon. I needed him next to me. I reached my hand out to him as I was lying on the bed. He practically ran to me.

"Please." He got into the bed with me and I relaxed more, instantly when he held me tightly. He kissed my hair and I cried more.

Polly was gone. Not just gone. Dead. Gone forever. Because of Jason.

It was hours later when my parents came home. My mom peeked in my room but didn't say anything at the sight of Jughead here holding me... in my bed. Despite there being four people in the house it was completely silent. No sounds were to be heard. I rolled over to face Jughead.

His beanie wasn't on. I hadn't realized until now. I ran my shaking hand through his raven waves of silk. I felt so small. I felt like the world was out to get me but looking at Jughead, I knew I was going to be okay. However cliche that might be, it was true.

"I love you Betty." This took me off guard completely. I smiled and started crying again.

"I love you Jughead." He didn't kiss my lips. He kissed my cheeks, catching my tears. It only made me cry more. "I want Polly back." I started sobbing again. Jughead held me even tighter.

He didn't say anything. Of course he didn't know what to say. I was choking on my own tears at this point.

Jughead took care of me for the next few days. He made sure I got up to eat and shower. He held me at night (my mom let him stay over).

It was midnight. Tomorrow was the funeral. I was in bed, waiting for Jughead. He was in the shower. When he came in he was in sweatpants and a dark t shirt. He padded over to me. "Sorry I took so long." He kissed my forehead and climbed in bed with me. He was the only one keeping me sane at this point.

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