J+B: Dance With Me

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Jughead pov

I stared at the midnight colored suit that hung on my closet door. I wasn't nervous about being with Betty. I wasn't even nervous about going to Homecoming. I was just nervous and I had no idea as to why. I had three hours until I would pick Betty up. My dad said I could use his truck. Everything was going as planned. Jellybean knocked on my door. "Come in."

"Are you okay? You've been in here a while." She noted. I sighed.

"I'm okay. I'm just excited to see my girl."

Jellybean rolled her eyes. "You see her everyday."

"And it's still not enough." She rolled her eyes again and I laughed loudly. Jellybean really did adore Betty despite the teasing. "I'm gonna shower, yell if you need anything." I grabbed a towel on my way to the bathroom.

If only my mom could have seen me off to my first real social event. My first formal. If only she could've stayed long enough to get to know Betty like Betty knows my dad, like I know Betty's mom. I guess that was why I was slightly off tonight. The doctors at the rehabilitation center had called my dad yesterday and said my mom had left the center after a freak episode, she had a complete breakdown. They wanted to check in with her. Of course she hadn't come back to Riverdale. She was too much of a coward for that. My dad had finally gotten his drinking under control and now my mom had a drug problem.

I let the scalding water run down my back. I slammed my fist on the wall and took a deep breath. I desperately wanted to focus on something aside from my screwed up family. But I couldn't even focus on Betty. I hoped I would pull it together by the time I got Betty tonight at 7:30. She deserved my full attention.

When I got out of the shower I ran my hands through my silky and dripping wet hair. I dried off and went back to my room, still sulking. I put on the tux and awkwardly tried to figure out the bow tie. Jellybean poked her head in.

"Mom loves us, if that's why you've been moody. She gets better and worse but then better again. It'll be okay."

Betty's face came into view of my mind. She always told me that. It was such a common thing to say in hopes of comforting someone but when she said it I believed it. It would be okay. Because I had her. I combed my hair to the side and placed my beanie on my head. Although I was beyond mad at my mom, I still wanted the beanie. I sat and talked about lighter subjects with Jellybean until it was time to leave to get Betty.

"Don't use the stove or the oven, there's leftover pizza in the fridge. Use the microwave to heat it up. Call me if you need anything. Don't let anyone in. I love you, goodnight." I rushed to say as I went out into the cold night. I was so happy my dad's truck had heat. When I pulled up to Betty's house she was already standing on her porch. I gulped. She was astonishing.

Her blond hair fell around her shoulders in thick curls. She wore red lipstick tonight instead of pink. And her dress... it fit her so so well. It was black with lace and snaked down her body. The dress was strapless with a heart shape neckline. Betty smiled so brightly as she made her way to the truck. I flushed when she got in the car and leaned in for a deep kiss. Instinctively, I tangled my fingers in her hair and she pressed further against me.

"You look breathtaking as usual." I whispered, out of breath from her kiss. It was her turn to blush now and she turned to the window. She had always been shy of my compliments but I knew she relished in them.

"Dinner at Pop's first, right?" Betty asked and I shook my head.

"We're going to the next town. There's a nice sushi place and I know you've been wanting to try it so that's where we're going to go. We will have time to eat and make it to the dance so don't worry about that."

"Really?" I saw the sparkle in her eye and I smiled like a child as I nodded.

When we got to the restaurant there weren't many cars in the parking lot so it was a good chance there wouldn't be a wait. Luckily, there wasn't. Betty ordered a shit ton of sushi; salmon, tuna roll, avocado, eel, and a california roll. She ate it all. I had no idea where all that food went. But then again, I wasn't one to talk. I eat just as much as she does, probably more.

"That was sooo good. We definitely need to come here again!" Betty said as we walked back to the truck.

"For you, I'll take you here everyday." Betty giggled. She was truly carefree tonight. I hadn't seen her this happy in so long. In my peripheral vision I watched her sing enthusiastically to the radio. It made me laugh, she was so happy and excited. Just seeing her this happy made me relax. When we got to school, I ran around the car to open the door for her which only made her laugh again.

"You're such a gentleman."

"Most of the time anyway." I winked at her. As soon as we walked into the school we could hear the music blaring from the gym. I saw Archie and Cheryl when we got to the gym but they looked like they were arguing.

"Are they okay?" Betty asked and I shrugged.

"They're fine. C'mon baby." I whispered as I pressed my lips to her ear and she shivered. A slow song was playing. I took her to the center of the floor and pulled her against me. Betty clasped her hands around my neck and I held her against me. We moved in sync to the music and then Betty rested her face against my neck. I kissed her hair. That was when I let go of the anger, the hurt, the sadness and confusion about the last few weeks with my mom. To her surprise, I pushed Betty away for a moment to hold her hand at arms length and then spun her back into my chest. Her smile reached for miles. Her back was to my chest now and we swayed just like that until the song ended.

Everything was perfect. She was perfect.

Archie came up to us after a few more songs. "Hey guys, mind if I hang with you for a bit?" I looked to Betty and she nodded.

"Of course, is everything okay?" She asked and Archie shook his head.

"Not really. Cheryl... we can talk about that later. Let's just have fun." I was concerned for my friend. He looked deeply upset.

What was that argument about?

The three of us danced and joked for a while before the cops showed up. I was the first to see them. Sheriff Keller and two other cops guarded the gym door while other cops spread out along the walls. I nudged Archie so that Betty wouldn't notice. He saw Sheriff Keller and the other cops and raised his brows.

"Juggy?" Betty asked but then she saw them. "Why are the cops here?"

"I don't know." Archie said. "Should we go find out?" Betty's eyes flashed with disappointment for only a moment.

"No, if it's something serious and we are needed they will come to us. If it's something big we will hear about it tomorrow." Betty smiled at me with gratitude. I cupped her face with my hand and kissed her slowly. Archie coughed and I rolled my eyes before detaching my lips from Betty's.

A slow song came on again and Betty and I both looked to Archie who blinked. "Yeah I'm gonna get a drink."

"This has been perfect, Juggy."

"Good. You deserve it." This time, when Betty stepped in between my arms to slow dance, she hugged my neck. I held her tight against me. We didn't move at all. We just stood there in the middle of the dance floor holding each other as if we would disappear if we let go while the other couples swayed in circles around us. I closed my eyes as I breathed her in. I never wanted to let her go. However, when Kevin tapped my shoulder, I had to.

Author Note:

Only one more chapter after this! I hope you guys have enjoyed this book, I sure have enjoyed writing it. Comment if you want a sequel and/or if you want an Archie and Cheryl story!!!! Thank you for your patience. I know I've been slow with the updates. Also, my original book is coming soon so watch out for it :)

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