Jughead : Hold Me

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The next day at school Betty didn't sit next to Archie or me. She sat with that annoying girl, Veronica. None of us really talked, just Kevin did. During free period I met up with Betty in the Blue and Gold room.

"Betty about last night...I didn't mean to snap at you." I felt sick to my stomach. I never wanted to hurt her.

"It's okay, Jug. I was just upset."

"Have you talked to Archie?" I asked but not really wanting the answer.

"Yeah I told him I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I realized I don't want to date him either." I bit my lip to keep from smiling. "Anyway, we should get to work." And so that's what we did.

After school I went home. I lived in a trailer with my dad. My mom and sister, Jellybean, used to live with us but my mom left when she realized my dad would never get his shit together. He was an alcoholic.

"Hey Jug." My dad said when I walked in. He was sitting on the couch with a beer, watching TV.

"Hey Dad. Did you find a job yet?" My dad tensed. Of course.

"Not yet but I will soon." Sure. I went off to make dinner. We ate pasta and watched random TV shows until he passed out on the couch. I went to his room and collected the beer bottles, full and empty, and took them outside. I smashed each one. When I went back inside I saw my phone light up. Betty had texted me.

Betty : Hey

Me : Hey Bets

Betty : Is there anyway you can come over... or call me?

Me : Are you okay? (Be over in ten)

Betty didn't respond to my last text so I jogged to her house instead of walking. I didn't know if she wanted me to knock on the front door or go to her window so I texted her again.

Me : I'm here.

Betty : Coming.

Not a minute later, Betty exited through her front door. Her house was big and white with small decorations around the front. The luxury. I took in her appearance. She had on a gold tank top and jeans. Her hair was down in curls around her shoulders. Her face was red. She'd been crying. Immediately I walked up to her.

"Hey Juggy..." I loved that nickname she gave me.

"What's wrong?" She began crying. I wanted to hold her but I wasn't sure it was what she wanted so I just rested my hand on her shoulder. "Betty?" Suddenly I felt her body on mine. Her arms wrapped tightly around me and I put mine around her shoulders. She sobbed into my jean jacket. I pressed my lips to her forehead and she tightened her grip on me.

Who the fuck caused this?

"Jug... it's my parents." She pulled back just enough to look at me. "Polly spent the night at Jason's the other night and they found out and my dad...he hit..." She drifted off and I suddenly became very protective.

"Who did he hit?"

"He was drunk... he never gets drunk. I was defending Polly and then.. he hit me."


"An hour or so before I texted you." Betty's eyes were still glassy. I wanted to storm in her house and beat the crap out of Mr. Cooper but I knew I couldn't. "He's not home. My mom kicked him out for the night. She told me to stay at a friend's tonight."

"You can stay with me." Even though my dad was home it was better than her being home and my dad wasn't an angry drunk, he was just stupid.

"I think I'm just going to go to Pop's. I'm sorry I didn't mean to drag you out so late."

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