Betty + Jughead : The Honeymoon Stage

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Betty pov

We were all now sitting in my room. Kevin and Archie on the bed, Veronica and me on the floor, and Jughead was leaning on the wall. Veronica was explaining to us that her dad was going to jail. That's why she had moved here. To escape the mess. I hugged her. I felt bad for her, I really did but right then all I could think about was Jughead. My Jughead.

"Oh my God guys!" Kevin exclaimed holding up his phone.

"What?" Archie questioned looking over Kevin's shoulder.

"I think I may have a boyfriend."

"Awww who?" I asked trying to better engage with them.

"I'll let you know after the first date. I don't want to get my hopes up."

"So you have a date? Not an official boyfriend?" Jughead challenged. I smirked.

"Okay and are you and Betty dating 'officially'?" Kevin retorted and I looked to Jughead.

There was a pause. It lasted too long.

Jughead and I looked at each other at the same time. Jughead used his eyes to look me up and down. He was waiting for my response but I was waiting for his. "I hope so." I said rather quietly but they heard.

Jughead pushed off the wall and knelt in front of me. "Of course. I'm yours if you want me." Those intimate words sent a shiver down my spine. He sat down next to me and took my hand in his. Oh. He was just waiting for a cue from me.

* Later that night *

Jughead had stayed over the whole day even when the rest of the gang left. "I'm starving, let's go to Pop's." I said to him after a few minutes of awkwardly sitting with my parents.

"If, if that's okay with you guys." Jughead asked to my parents.

"Sure." My mom liked him but she had only met him a few times before. She was still questioning him so her immediate 'sure' was odd.

"Be back by eleven please." My dad said and Jughead averted his eyes but said yes and called him sir.

"Juggy, I don't want you hating my dad." I said while we walked.

"Well I don't like him." I took his hand and entwined our fingers. I heard him sigh as if with relief. "Anyone that hits you isn't exactly my best friend. I don't have respect for him. I'm sorry Betty but I just can't."

"Thank you. I know you just want to protect me. I just feel bad that I ruined any relationship between you and my dad."

"Either way he's not my type." Jughead smirked and I nudged him.

"I'm serious Jug."

"I know. I do want to protect you. Don't feel bad I ... like your mom." He looked away and I laughed.

"Thank you for trying anyway." I kissed his cheek and his whole face turned cherry red. I giggled.

Jughead pov

We were cuddling and chatting at Pop's when my dad called. He never called me. "Uh Betty I gotta get this." Without waiting for a response I got out of the booth and went outside. "Hey Dad, is everything okay?"

"Yeah yeah Jug. Just wanted to know when you're coming home tonight. I thought maybe we could grab dinner at Pop's?"

I felt really bad that I was about to have dinner with Betty and not Betty and my dad. But we didn't order yet. "Actually Dad, I'm already here with um my girlfriend... Betty Cooper. You're welcome to join us. We haven't ordered yet. "

"You have a girlfriend? Well of course I'm coming. Be there soon!" The phone clicked.

When I got back to the booth Betty didn't push off asking questions. "So who was that? Is everything alright?" I sat back down next to her and circled my arm around her shoulders.

"It was my dad. He's coming to eat with that ok?" Betty smiled brightly.

"Of course! I'd love to get to know him." I smiled back. I was so glad she actually wanted to spend time with both my dad and I.

Finally, my Dad came in wearing his usual open plaid shirt over a dirty tank and jeans. He still hadn't shaved. Betty shook his hand from across the table. "Nice to see you again, Mr. Jones."

"Likewise Miss Jughead's girlfriend Betty Cooper." I rolled my eyes but Betty giggled. It was such a wonderful sound. I leaned closer to her.

Dinner was actually nice. Betty seemed to like my dad and vise versa. This alone made me so happy. I felt like I was in paradise.

"Alright kids, I gotta get going but thank you for inviting me." Betty smiled at him and we all got up. It was only 9. I still had two hours with Betty and that made me even happier. When my dad left in his truck Betty and I just started walking, no destination.

"So you seemed to get along with my dad?"

"He's really nice and he did a good job with you." She winked. We ended up in an abandoned park where no one goes anymore. Betty sat on a swing. God, she was so breathtaking. "Come swing with me." I walked to stand in front of her. I bent down and kissed her. I loved kissing her. Her lips were like cotton, so soft and plump. Her hands came to rest on my neck and I leaned over her more, holding the chains of the swing for balance.

She pulled back. "Have you ever kissed before?" She asked. Was I that bad?

"Uh... no..."

"Well you're a natural." I smiled. I couldn't stop smiling around her.

"Was Archie your first kiss?" I sort of didn't want the answer.

"I don't count it but yeah. However, considering it lasted less than a second I consider it to be a surprise attack not a real kiss." I kissed her again and she stood up. I pulled her against me.

We kissed for what felt like hours. By the time I had to walk her home we both looked like a mess. Her ponytail was out. Our clothes were wrinkled. We were out of breath.

"Wow Betty. I ... wow." She blushed. "Okay um." I cleared my throat. "Better get you home."

"Too bad." On the walk home I had my arm around Betty. We got to her house too soon. "Thank you for tonight Jug. And...I'm glad that you kissed me." I looked so goofy with my wide smile.

"If you ever want a kiss from me just ask. My lips are yours." She stood on her tip toes and kissed me again. This kiss was more of a peck but it was sweet. I had a skip to my step on the way back to the trailer.

Betty is my girlfriend. My girl. She kissed me. We kissed. Archie is okay with it. Her and my dad get along.

Life felt actually okay at the moment.

AUTHOR NOTE: Thank you guys so much for the reads. I just started it and there's a lot of views already. Remember to vote! Also, I will be adding some storyline about Jason and the others and a new mystery so stay tuned.

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