J+B: Kiss it Better

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Jughead pov

"Veronica what the hell are you doing here?" I stood in the doorway, waiting for a good explanation.

"I wanted to see if you were okay."

"I'm fine. Go away."

"You don't have to push me away."

"I want to."

"Why? We can at least be friends!"

"Veronica, my friends are Archie and Betty and sometimes Kevin, but not often. You're their friends and that's why I know you. That's it."

"Jughead, you deserve better than her."

"That's none of your business." Then Veronica pushed her way into the trailer and I frowned. Who did she think she was? "Veronica get out." I said. I was so tired. I was too tired to be angry anymore.

"Please talk to me."

"About what?" She closed the door when I stepped away from it. I sighed. She wasn't going to go away. I plopped down on my couch.

"I've liked you a while. I wasn't just drunk. I hoped you and Betty would break up, but you guys always stayed strong. I want you, Jughead." I shook my head. Even if I wasn't in love with Betty, I would never have interest in her. "When you kissed me back...it gave me hope." Oh Lord.

"Veronica just stop. I wouldn't like you like that even if Betty didn't exist. But she does. And I lost her and I rather not be bothered by anyone and no offense but especially you right now. Please just go." Then I realized someone was knocking. Veronica and I looked to the door.

Betty pov

I wanted to run home. I didn't want to see the two on the other side of the door, but as I turned to go the door opened. Jughead stood there. Veronica stood behind him. "Sorry, I'm just leaving." I mumbled and walked away. Jughead and Veronica followed.

"Betty it wasn't like that!" Jughead called. I stopped and turned to face them. I looked at Veronica. She was looking at the ground.


"I ... I've liked Jughead a while and I tried to tell him. Don't worry Betty he rejected me." She scowled at him and strutted off.

Jughead rolled his eyes. "Thank God."

"I came because Archie said you called him crying?" I spoke softly. I was still worried about Veronica being in his trailer but I reminded myself he was single. He could do as he pleased.

"I did what?" He looked puzzled and I frowned. Archie lied. I came here, dressed up for the first time in forever for nothing.

"Never mind. I guess Archie lied. Forget I was here." I meant to walk away but I just stared at him. His beanie was on again. He wore an "S" t shirt with black jeans. His eyes were red. He was tired. "We shouldn't be together anyway. You're better off with her."

"Tell me you never loved me." He demanded.

"I can't do that."

"Then Betty, come inside." My eyes glinted with hope as I followed him in. When we got inside he faced me. "Veronica just showed up here. She claimed to have some crush on me and yada yada but I rejected her. That's all that happened. I was telling her to leave when you got here."

I sighed with relief. "Juggy...I miss you." This was my white flag. Jughead traced me with his eyes again and again. He looked angry, torn.

Then he shook his head. "Betty, I can't just give in. You left me out of nowhere. You shut me out again. I was always patient with you. I always gave you my time, my love. I don't give just anyone my heart and you broke it. You took it and left. I miss you too but I can't. I can't just surrender my heart anymore."

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