Prologue Part 3

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After a being able to have Flowey's vines latch onto my arm, I slowly made my way back to camp. I pondered over exactly how I was going to explain to the other monsters why I had a former villain following me around. Apparently, it seems like Flowey was thinking of the same question as he spoke up after few minutes of silence. "Frisk, do you even know if this is a safe plan?" I shake my head try to calm him. "Try not to worry about it so much. I know for a fact that they are very accepting and forgiving towards anybody who just dealt with a problem the wrong way." I try to relieve him from any stress that clouded his mind, but seemed it does little effect. I continue my attempts to have him relax about meeting the others face to face. "Listen, Flowey, I know you are scared about trying something that hasn't been tried before over the many timelines, but I know for a fact that it will turn out alright." While seeming to ease his mind a small amount he threw another question at me I was expecting in a quiet form of voice. "And just how would you know this if it's never been done before, huh?" And my final response was to tell him that we were not alone in this. "Flowey, remember that we have Chara helping us." And with that, he questioned my reasoning no more.

As we continued walking in silence for a couple minutes and saw the tents in the far off distance, I felt a shift of air towards my right. "She is right, you know..." Said a familiar voice very close to us. "Chara! Is that you?" Flowey exclaimed with a sudden spike in what seemed like desperate happiness. "Howdy, Azzy. I missed ya alot for the past few years."  Chara spoke in a voice that expressed her positive mood, even though trying to hide it couldn't help. I was surprised to learn that Flowey could hear us as well. I saw a somewhat blurred image of her spirit in front of us. "Oh Frisk, curious as always. Don't tell me you forgot that determination can do amazing things." I honestly did forget about the power determination held for the past few days. I then understood, Chara could come back to life with the determination she had. I saw her soul glowing, nearly returning to it's dark red color.

I observed them chat for the next few minutes, their moods seeming to increase whenever they were around the other. I then thought of something that probably wasn't far off, the smiles they had on their faces showed more than a long lost friendship. Perhaps maybe, just maybe they loved each other? When reaching the camp, I check my watch for it to read 9:45 am. Well, crap, the others were probably worried sick for me at the moment. Chara notices my urge to hurry back. "Welp, we can talk another time, but for now, you should go introduce yourself to the others." When hearing that, Flowey was sent into a panic. "W-Wait! What am I gonna do without you?" With that, Chara slowly disappeared. "Oh try not to worry, we both know everything is going to be fine if we cooperate with the other monsters." I stood silent with Flowey as she disappeared into the foggy air, but we weren't silent for long when I heard someone calling me. "H-Hey Frisk! We have been looking for you!" I quickly registered the voice to belong to Alphys, which meant I was in luck since I would be able to explain the situation as soon as possible. She stopped at a dead halt once she saw Flowey grappled onto my arm, and was unsure once to say. "H-Hello?" Alphys said, now frightened, but before she could turn and run I called out. "Wait! There has been a change in plans!" This seemed to cause Alphys to stop, and I carefully approached her. She observed Flowey, making mental notes of why he could possibly be with Frisk. "Alphys, please. We need your help."

It took what seemed like hours to pour out all the details to her, how Flowey was just trying to become Asriel again, the fallen human Chara, and how the story came to be. I left out the part about the genocide runs and timelines, as not to give Alphys a heart attack. When I was done with my speech, Alphys quietly thinks of something that can be done, then speaks up. "Well, I still have my lab in Hotlands in working order, w-we can go there sometime soon if you want." Alphys carefully chose her words. Before Alphys could continue her offer, I interrupted her spoke of me and Flowey's plans to get out of the way first. "We're going to clear things up with the others first, then focus on getting Flowey back to his regular body." Alphys seemed to jump at this. "I-I should come with you guys to make sure the monsters won't be hostile." I was going to ask her that, but she beat me to the punch. "Yes, that would be most helpful." I inform Alphys with sincerity.

Flowey POV

I stay firmly tight around Frisk's arm as we enter what appeared to be a huge clearing with many tents surrounding the boundaries of the open space. Then, I see her. Walking towards us at alarming pace. "Mom..?" I silently mutter under my breath so Frisk or Alphys couldn't hear, but I couldn't stop the solemn look that spread across my face. When she reaches us, she seems not to see me yet. "Ah, Alphys, you found Frisk? Why thank you! Frisk, just what were you doing wandering off without telling anyone?" Nobody spoke at first, then Frisk slowly moves away from Alphys to reveal me, out in the open, with a sad look on my face. "Why hello there... Flower, I never have seemed to catch your name..." Toriel demands at me to speak my name, and I freeze up. "His name is Flowey, he has no violent intentions, mom." Toriel was not expecting to see me in a deep state of sadness, and tried to speak less sternly. "Now, why have you come here to the surface?" I managed to speak up. "I need help from Alphys and Frisk, I need to be a monster again, not an emotionless plant." Toriel listened closely to Frisk explaining how Flowey was a monster a long time ago, and Alphys can turn him back into his original body. When Toriel was finally convinced of my good intentions, she allowed Alphys to take me and Flowey underground, but insisted that we stay for a quick late breakfast before leaving, which we politely accepted.

"Well, we're here..." Alphys said with a somewhat nostalgic tone in her voice, being exposed to her lab once again. When we went inside, she briefly explained the procedures that would take place and that we would likely be here for about six hours, but I was willing to do this, and I knew Frisk was too. The next hour seemed to pass like a blur as Alphys got the transformation procedures ready. "You will have to remain in this machine while the process is taking place." Alphys said. I looked up to see a large sized machine that could fit a big monster. While it looked intimidating, I knew there was no turning back now. I was placed into a conveniently found plant pot, and placed in the machine. The door was closed, and I knew the process was beginning. I felt myself falling asleep from one the gases Alphys  put in the machine to help the procedures go smoother. I managed to put a small smile on my face, knowing I will be known as Asriel again after I wake up. As my vision fades to black, I silently ponder on about how my life will be until I cannot think anymore...

Chara POV

"Don't worry Azzy... We'll be reunited soon enough..." I stare at Frisk, seeing the concern on her face. Man, I really have to remember to thank her when this is all done. First thing I do when turn back into my physical form and see Asriel is gonna hug the hell outta him.

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