What Matters Most To Us

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Asriel POV

"And your tickets sir." Said the man behind the counter as he handed me and Chara our tickets. I thanked him, and our group went on to enter the carnival. My mind was blown at all the rides and activities that were going on. "Eh, first time being to a carnival you two?" Frisk was amused from my reaction to the event. "Well, how about we have some fun around here." Frisk wanted to get right to it, and me and Chara weren't complaining. We agreed that all of us to meet back at the exit at 10:00 pm. Everybody went their own ways, wanting to try different things. Frisk decided to tag along with me and Chara, which I would understand but I still remain slightly on edge by her behavior. It's like she's trying to plan something. "Oh hey, what about that one?" Chara pointed to a ride that seemed to have hang gliders spinning in a circle.

"Yeah! Wasn't that fun?" Chara seemed like she really enjoyed the thrill of a fast ride, which opposed my kind of entertainment. But if it was for her, I would be willing to stick up with it. I gave my suggestion as my stomach grumbles silently. "Suppose so. You feel like some food now?" Chara and Frisk both believe that it would be best to eat now so they didn't get hungry in the middle of our time. We make our way to the nearest place that sold food. We all decided on some cotton candy to quench our hunger. When we paid, we got only two cotton candys. "Sorry, that's the last one." The cashier gave us a refund and a apologetic look, and we were off. We sat down on a table, where Frisk immediately began to eat the cotton candy. "Uh, Frisk, what are we gonna do?" Frisk looked at me and Chara for a brief moment, then gave a shrug. "Oh quit trying to starve yourselves and share it of course." My cheeks flushed a small tint of red at that. "Uh, what?" I was dumbfounded by her answer. "Did I stutter?" Frisk was just probably messing with us at that point. Chara speaks up. "Welp, better just to be safe than sorry." Well, I guess she actually went through with that.

After an awkward few minutes of sharing food, Frisk decided the next place for us to go would be bumper cars. The line was short, but alot of people were already inside driving around. Frisk goes on and takes the last one person bumper car, leaving me and Chara to take a two person bumper car, not that I was complaining of course. We got in the main area in few moments, and were greeted to a world of fast paced driving and crashing. It took a while to get used to the controls, but me and Chara quickly learned how to drive the simple bumper car."NYEH, COMING THROUGH!" We look over and see Papyrus and Sans driving at a faster speed compared to the already quick paced drivers. Just as we see them about to run into a corner, Papyrus pulls the biggest Tokyo Drift that I've ever seen anybody do and zooms through everybody. That was sure to be my favorite sight for a while. After few more minutes of bumping and laughter, we exited the bumper car back at the ride entrance, where Frisk was waiting for us to arrive. "Well, looks like you two had fun."

Chara POV

I continue to laugh hard as Frisk makes jokes, Asriel seemingly chipper from this experience. I decided to get back onto topic. "So you guys, what do you think that we should do next?" Asriel made a comment. "How about the yoyo ride?" I look up and to my left to see it not to far, spinning in circles as it lifted people up in the sky. Welp, yoyo ride it is then. We made our way to the ride, Asriel walking close by me in the process. A blush forms on my cheeks and I hear Frisk giggle while Asriel is not focused on the close proximity of his body to mine. I brush the thought from my head as we arrive, the other wave of people just getting off, and we fall in line with the next. A minute later, we were beginning to take off. We slowly begin to gain altitude and speed until it is at it's max, and we can feel the air blowing against our faces harder. Frisk puts her arms up and laughs, enjoying the constant spinning in circles. I look over to see Asriel, his fur flowing in the wind as he has a peaceful smile on his face. He looks over to see me, and we lock eyes. I break the gaze, trying to pretend that it didn't mean anything, but I think Asriel could already tell that I was staring at him. We barely notice as our height and acceleration decrease, the ride slowly coming down to a complete stop. Only when the ride is still is when we realize that it is over. We get off, our energy somewhat drained. We exit, and make our way towards the center of the fair. "Well, that was a fun experience." Frisk said. "Indeed it was." Asriel replied. Frisk checked the time for it to read 9:15 pm. "We'll only have time for one more ride then we'll have to leave." Frisk informed us with a tone of disappointment in her voice, which very much reflected my mood to hear that. Since we were tired, we decided to finish the night off by riding the Farris Wheel.

We arrive at our destination, where we find everyone else having the same sort of idea for a final ride. "Well, what a coincidence, didn't expect everybody to gather up here." Toriel was first to speak up in the situation we found ourselves in. We all went on separate rooms, Toriel and Asgore went in a room, Undyne and Alphys went in another, and Frisk went with the skelebros. That left me and Asriel to a room all by ourselves. We all get on one group at a time, and then we were all riding the wheel. I take in the beautiful scenery, able to see all of the lights and rides, the colors filling me with nostalgia and amazement. I look over to see Asriel once again, but this time he is too focused on the scenery below him to notice my staring. I take more time to admire him.

Asriel POV

The scenery is just so beautiful and amazing, and I can't find another way to explain it. I look over to see Chara, only to see her perfect red eyes staring right back into mine. I see her blush and look away, acting strangely for someone who was Normally so energetic and talkative. I then take time to think over the past year, ever since we came back to life in our original bodies again. All of the times we had together. We laughed together, we worked together, we grieved together, we were always together with one another. And I figured it out a long time ago, I love every second of it, because I love her. I find strength in myself to open my mouth during this moment, only to have her's open as well. "Hey, I need to tell you something" We both become dumbfounded by our same speech timing. "Uh, wanna just say it t-together..?" I felt like it was a cheesy suggestion from Chara, but I went along with it. "I-I" I tried to say something, but the words wouldn't leave my mouth. I decided that tonight would be the night that I confess my love to her, and pray for my life. With a push of final strength I was able to bring myself to say those final difficult words. "I love you." My heart stops, and I think that I have gone insane. Did I hear that correctly? It turns out I did, because I felt myself tear up and saw Chara tearing up as well, a sudden smile being put on her face. I was completely powerless to move, as Chara pulled me in. Next thing I knew, it seemed like time itself has frozen. My lips were placed upon her's. The kiss was gentle at first, but slowly got more passionate we continued to lock lips tighter, doing what I thought of as a small form of making out. The fireworks go off in my brain, and I feel at peace again. I'm not sure how much time has passed, but eventually the kiss is broken, much to me and Chara's pain. We stared at each other, deep into each other's eyes. This is what I wanted for a long time, and it seems as if Chara wanted this for such a long time too. We simply lay together, holding one another close, not wanting to let go. It felt like an eternity, we held each other in an embrace of love that would last forever.

Chara POV

It felt so good, finally having what my heart yearned for all of this time. Asriel was close by my side, and I knew that I could finally be happy, and not have to put a smile on my face every time Asriel talked to me. The room door slowly opened, revealing that we were back down on the ground, and me and Asriel make our way out, walking close together to one another. You know, maybe I was wrong about being scared about what Frisk planned, it turned all out for the better. Without a doubt, I would say that this was the best night that I ever had in my entire life.

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