Calm Before The Storm

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Frisk POV

I stare down at the light wooden floor, deep in thought about the events that have and soon will occur. I dwelled on what I felt, not sure about the emotion that I was feeling. Anticipation, unsure, maybe fear? All I knew was that I felt uneasy, my mind flashing back to the conversation that had happened with Chara. Then, I held my head up high, having high hopes and knowing certainty on the end results of our confessions. But things felt different, even with a knowing of the positive and welcoming response we will receive, I can't help but feel a small sense of doubt in my soul. I wasn't worried about Sans, Asriel, and Chara. There was an unseen problem, it escaping my mind when I first saw everything over. The publicity.

Me and Sans considered ourselves to be able to handle questions and mixed reactions, some being negative. Yet my mind shifted over to the other half of our part, Asriel and Chara. Would this really be what they want, a forever changed reputation in the eye of others? When it came down to it, they didn't do well with attention. Indeed, we only planned on telling our close friends when the monthly time came to greet each other and properly get together, and we wanted to keep this only between us and them. Except I wasn't sure we could now. My mind kept bringing the darker side of a solution to the light, clouding my thoughts. What if someone were to fail at keeping it strictly between few ears? What if someone were to purposely expose our new relationship to the public? What if someone... I heard a motherly voice clear it's throat, catching me off guard from my constant deep thoughts that had plagued me for nearly and hour. I look up, seeing the very face I would expect from such a voice, Toriel having a straight face as she looks down upon me. "Frisk, do you know if Chara is doing any better?" I shake my head, not having checked on her all morning. "Oh fine, I suppose I'll check myself."

I see her exit the room with a hustle, a wanting for Chara to be safe. I was concerned for Chara's well being as well, but I was preoccupied with my own thoughts at the time. Imagine coming back merely an hour later after you left your home, only to find somebody you care about has been injured. How would you react? Why do these things happen at the worst timings? That's it, I can't think about this anymore. I get up off of the bed and stand up, feeling the blood rush back into my legs. With a sigh, I make my way towards the now open door, going to find out for myself what kind of state that Chara was in. My room was right next to theirs, it only taking mere seconds to travel between the rooms at a tiresome pace. I can hear light voices from the room, it being unclear what they were saying. As I walk in, they stop to look up at me, one looking tired upon the bed, and the other looking concerned with their arms crossed.

I look at Chara, a large bandage rolled across her head above her eyes. For the first time in a while, I'm not sure what to say to her. Before things became too awkward, Asriel broke up the silence. "I suppose you came to check up on her as well." Asriel sat upon the wooden chair that has been left in the room, a more stern voice that I wasn't very used to. I spoke with caution, Asriel seeming slightly distraught from the events no less than twenty four hours ago. "Well... Yes. I'm just hoping she'll be okay for when we go soon." Asriel's face is hard to read, seemingly bothered. "It's always business with you, isn't it? She'll be one hundred percent in a few hours, waking up the day after feels like you've been hit in the face by the hardest kind of steel." I can tell Chara is awake, but she probably just wasn't willing to talk with her current mood. I turn back without looking behind me, neither Asriel's or Chara's shadows moving an inch. I decided that I wanted to keep a clear mind for when the time came to finish my promised deed, so I briskly make my way outside in hopes to clear my mind.

I manage to close the door without a noise, steadily walking to... I'm not sure where. At times like these I let my mind wander, having a tendency to take me wherever it so desired, without any of my resistance to stop it. I look behind me, the house growing smaller as I walk away, off to where I could consider myself safe and sound from all of my problems. I sigh to myself, shaking my head. It was impossible for me to get a situation off my head till I completed it, causing me to be slightly reckless. While hiding behind a piece of nature and crying for things to get better wouldn't help, it just always felt nice to... Distance yourself for a small bit. Stopping in front of a familiar place, I stopped walking, standing still so it would be easier for me to take in the scenery. Birds were chirping, flowers were blooming, there weren't any issues at this place. On days like these, I felt like people should take their time and enjoy what visuals nature had to offer.

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