The Struggle of Finals

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Asriel POV

I wake up early to the sound of my alarm clock screaming, making me send a fist to slam the button to turn it off. I hear a groan from next to me, and look to see Chara open her eyes sleepily. "Ugh... What now?" Chara was definitely not a morning person. I take the time to actually pay attention to the time on the alarm, and it read 6:20 am. "Oh right, school, finals. Crap." As soon as I mentioned the word finals, Chara shot straight up and panicked. "Ah! What time is it?" She peeked over my shoulder to see it was 6:20 am, and calmed down. "Man... Why can't I just stay in bed?" Chara was having second thoughts about waking up, and contemplated whether to sleep more until she was dragged out of bed forcefully by me or Frisk. Yeah, I could see where she was coming from. Finals was not a day that anybody was looking forwards to.

Still not entirely awake, me and Chara made it to our bus stop. We sat down on the bench and waited for the bus to come. Chara scooted closer to me, wrapping her arm around me and holding me close. It was a foggy early morning out, so we didn't have to worry about anyone seeing us. "Azzy, I'm scared." That didn't seem all too surprising to me. "Don't worry, you're prepared for all of this stuff, Toriel made sure to drill this stuff into your brain." She knew the truth those words held, even if she didn't want to believe them. She gave me a quick kiss on the lips and hugged me. "That was for the encouragement." Chara giggled as she noticed flustered look. Well, if we were gonna be a couple, I guess I would have to get used to surprise kisses and other affectionate gestures out of nowhere I expected them. We wanted to stay like this longer, but quickly stood up when we heard the bus engine roaring in the distance. Few seconds after, it pulled to our stop and waited for us to get on, and we then made our way to Restac High School.

Restac High School was a small place, but that didn't stop it from being filled with activity. Students hurried to get to their designated finals locations. Our school had a mix of humans and monsters in the school, mostly because of how it was on the outskirts of our town but close to the city. Luckily me and Chara had the same schedule for our first final, so we got more time to be together before finals started. First up, algebra, not a good way to start the day in my opinion. We make our way to our math room, not entirely feeling at ease. "Asriel, math makes my head hurt." Chara was telling the truth but she also intended a small bit of humor from that statement. Then again, who doesn't want to hit their head against the wall when listening to math? After a brief walk, we entered the door to Mrs.Bright's room and took our seats next to each other. I was going to admit I probably should have studied more, because now I was feeling pretty nervous. Me and Chara stared at each other, wishing the best of luck to one another. The small chatter of students in the room died down as soon as Mrs.Bright entered the room. Everybody looked at the large stack of papers she had in her hand, groaning once we figured it was the finals packets. "We're starting this early?" Chara whispered in my ear. "Well, all we can do now is pray I guess." I gave my honest reply to how I thought we were going to go with the situation.

Mrs.Bright was stern and straight to the point. "Students, as you are aware I hope, we are taking the finals today. I want no funny business, and you will be observed during testing." Despite popular belief, Mrs.Bright was indeed not a bright person had a and natural hatred for any sort of humor, making her me and Chara's least favorite of our teachers. "I will hand out the finals now, any cheating of the sort will result in severe consequences." We were the last of people to have our finals handed to, and we were given the permission to begin right after. I look at the packet, and see multiple kinds of problems and a total of 12 pages. Well, Rest In Peace confidence, my dear old friend.

Two. Damn. Hours. That's how long it took to complete the math finals. I groan and stretch my body, happy to be out of that solid confinement. "Think you did well?" I asked Chara, in hopes to spark some conversation during our break time. "Ehh... So so." Chara was choosing her words carefully, but I stepped in to give her some reassurance. "Relax, I'm sure you did fine." Chara just shook her head and chuckled. "I wish." Our break lasted for another twenty minutes, so we decided to go down to the cafeteria where a good percentage of students would be. Though we did not bring a lunch, we fortunately did have money. We made our way over to the vending machine to get something to hold us for the day. Chara squeaked and ran over to the machine when she found a chocolate bar inside of the machine. "Mine!" I chuckled at her energetic nature when she was around chocolate, eating it like she was starved without food for days. I see her fingers fidget with the money as she puts it  in the money slot, and clicks the button for the chocolate crunch bar. I see Chara speed walk back to our table as I was getting a bag of pretzels, not wasting any time of our break. I make my own way back to already see Chara done with her first bar, unwrapping her second one. I slowly eat my pretzels, savoring the only food I would be getting for the rest of the school day as I observe Chara devour her second bar in a little under twenty seconds. Yes, I did count. We stay there for about five minutes, then quickly grow bored with nothing to do. Normally, we watch YouTube videos or mess around the cafeteria, but there weren't enough people to find and fool around with. Then Chara got a devious idea. "Hey Asriel, wanna go behind the school for a few minutes?" Chara seemed nervous, but she slowly started to look more confident. Oh boy, heading behind the school to do god knows what this time. "Yeah sure. Let's just be quick about it though." I thought about asking more questions first, but Chara was already dragging me outside the back door.

"So... What was it you wanted to do?" I ask Chara, but I don't get a vocal response. I'm surprised as suddenly Chara pushes me against the wall, locking her lips with me. I remain shocked for a few seconds, then fall into the kiss. It was somewhat longing, both of us not wanting to let go of each other. We remain there in a warm kiss for what felt like forever, slowly parting lips with a regretful sigh. Chara hugs me and stands still, not wanting to deal with any stressful emotions. Though, in the back of her head we knew we had to get going. "Well, we're gonna be late if we don't get going now." I regain my full attention, and we quietly make our way back in the school to avoid suspicion and head onto our next final.

Chara POV

We make our way to Mr.Ruro's room, not wanting to be late for our finals. He probably wouldn't be mad, cause he was easily one of the most laid back teachers in the school. My mind shifts over to Asriel, and the make out session we just had. I can't help but smirk, wondering if I could find a way to do that again with him, he's just too fun to surprise. Our walk to Mr.Ruro's room is done, and we walk in the door for him and the other students to be waiting on us. Me.Ruro stopped playing on his electric guitar, and let us get settled in our seats. "Three eight thirteen twenty... Well, looks like everybody is here!" Everybody was gathered around, ready to listen to what Mr.Ruro had to say. He was one of the more entertaining and funny people in the building, earning him the liking of many other students and teachers. "As you know, this is your music final, or I like to hope you know." He handed each of us a decent length sheet and gave us his permission. "Go on, sooner you guys get it done, the sooner you can leave this place. Eh, wait, take your time, if you wanna be smart about it." Chuckling a bit, I look through the sheet. Music was one of me and Asriel's best subjects, so this wouldn't be too hard for us.

An hour was all it took for everybody to be done, and the school day was officially over. Everybody was heading out of the door and out of the school, cheering for their summer break. "Look out minions! Daddy's got a date to go on!" I look over, and see Mr.Ruro on a skateboard, speeding past everybody like he was being chased by a lion. "Well... Ruro being Ruro I guess..." Asriel couldn't help a small chuckle that escaped his lips. "So how about we go home and chill?" I offered to say what Asriel had on his mind for him. "Sounds like a plan to me." Asriel agreed with my logic. We get onto the bus, going into one of the backseats and sitting together. The bus starts, and we were on our way back home. I pull out my headphones, offering to share with Asriel, who accepted straight away. Neither of us liked anything that trended on the radio, so we just drowned it out with our own music. We both found it a fast way to pass the time, and it did it's job of doing that just fine. After what felt like merely minutes, we arrived at our stop and got off. We found Frisk waiting for us, as she usually did at the end of the school days. "So, how did the finals go?" Frisk asked, standing up and following us. "Oh, I just pray that we did good." I replied to Frisk's question. We made our way back to our home, where we got inside and immediately felt the relaxing effects of coming back from a long day. "Ah, freedom!" I thank god that school was finally over with, and dance around the hallway in circles. I collapse on the sofa in the living room, and put my arms behind my shoulders, feeling a heavy weight being lifted from them. Frisk decided then to speak up. "I'm gonna hang out with the others, you wanna come?" Me and Asriel look at each other, and shake our heads. "Oh, alright, suit yourselves. Just don't complain about the lack of things to do." And with that, she was out the door minutes after she got in.

Me and Asriel were on the couch, tired from another make out session. I was starting to like this, and thought about doing this more often. It just felt like it could never get old. I check the time, and it was 3:00 pm. We still had alot of time left, and I did want to do something productive, but cuddling with Asriel just felt too nice. I decided a nap would be better, as only now did I figure how tired I was from a lack of sleep last night. Asriel laughs at my now what seemed like routine schedule of taking a nap whenever I felt like, and pulled me closer. I dug my face into his shoulder, and slowly began to drift off into a not wanted but well needed rest.

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