Unsettled Worries

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9/27/17: 2k views!

Asriel POV

I feel a small amount of suspense as I stood behind the others, Chara leaning close to me. I see a very tall skeleton run past the window, shocking the small crowd in front of me. Merely a second later I see the door swing open quickly, a smile on Papyrus's face. "Ah, hello everybody! Come in, come in!" He wasted no time in leading us in with a wave of his arm, the group in front of me walking into the said home.

I'm the last to enter the medium sized home, making sure to close the door behind me as I heard a firm click. It didn't take long for everybody to spread out and focus on their own activities. In my personal opinion these events started to get bland after few months, the many processes being able to be remembered and repeated by everyone. I think they caught on, but Asgore or Toriel must have put their inputs on how we should "preserve" the "tradition."

I take my moment to look around the house, it looked better than I would have expected. Huh, maybe Sans isn't so lazy as people like to think. Small amount of decorations, a heavy scent of food coming from the kitchen, everything neatly put in place. Of course I've been in this home before on previous occasions, but never has it oddly felt like it could make a person happy.

Before my mind could stray too far off from reality, it's brought back to ground by a concerned voice. "Asriel, are you okay?" I snap my head up, seeing Chara look at me with a frown. "I said, are you okay?" I shake my head as she put her hand on my shoulder. "Oh, yeah. I'm just, thinking. That's all." I mentally curse myself for not being able to focus, lack of rest catching up to me. She sighs, pulling her hand off. She clearly didn't buy it. "We'll talk later."

I look around the large living room, the main center of the house bustling with liveliness. Toriel and Asgore laughed as Papyrus rambled on about his favorite topics, expressing his emotions in motions. Undyne and Alphys were sitting with Frisk on the couch, firing question after question about a variety of topics. As I look around, I could see Sans, but I heard noise from the kitchen, clearing any worries. All of them seemed so happy, but then there was just me and Chara.

We didn't seem to share any interests with Papyrus, my mother and father would repeat the same questions we have answered hundreds too many times, and neither me or Chara were a fan of Undyne's wild nature. We couldn't compare ourselves with anyone else, a large factor of why me and Chara always did things together. There was that connection, there was that spark, there was- love.

Damnit. I was getting lost in thought again already thinking about her. It seemed as if I kept on receiving chances, having my mind snap back to reality once again as a sharp knock was heard against the door. Me being closest, turns one-eighty degrees to walk back for the door. With a deep breath I open it up, not knowing what to expect on the other side of the door. I recoil slightly, remembering two familiar faces as one stood and one floated at the door.

"Why hello there darlings, I'm not too late, am I?" I am greeted with a robotic voice, the sight of pink, black, and grey. "Oh hello there. Long time no see Mettaton." Few seconds pass as I utter those words, and look behind me. I see Papyrus running towards me as I stand there, snapping out of it and jumping out of the way just in time. What happened next, was interesting to say the least.

"M-Mettaton! Is that really you? Come in, come in! You're not late at all! It's a delight you could make it!" I watched with mild curiosity, never hearing the skeleton stutter before. Mettaton and the nervous ghost make their way into the home, all eyes upon them. Papyrus speaks up clearing his throat, catching everyone's attention. "Everyone, we have two extra guests joining us." Everyone smiles at the sight of two familiar faces, giving their acknowledgement through small nods and quiet greetings.

I see Chara wander off to go greet the cousins as I walk away, and I couldn't blame her. It has been a very long time since any of us have seen Mettaton or Napstablook, with Mettaton enjoying traveling to various locations and Napstablook... Well, I wasn't quite sure what his excuse was. Perhaps he traveled with him? I felt as if I didn't belong, and decided I should go somewhere else to think things over. Normally I would go upstairs, but wouldn't it be rude to enter someone's room without their consent?

I walk towards the kitchen, hoping to find a place with a lower volume. Making my way in, I don't see anybody to be found, reminding me of a hollow yellow room, a rather strange color to feel so empty. Nothing here. I open the sliding door that led outside, a well sized patio greeting me. Giving extra care to quietly close the door, I walk towards a small looking table with chairs around it, looking as if it weren't used often.

I make my way towards the table, pulling out a chair and sitting down in the decent sized chair. The soft material was surprisingly comfortable, easy to relax in as I push my back deeper into the seat. I only heard the chirping of the birds, the very scenes of nature unfolding in front of my eyes. Now in a somewhat calmer state than I was inside the house, I begin to think about the future.

These last hours that I had, they were arguably the last of their kind. I had faith in Frisk's judgement, but I couldn't wrap my head around the concept of change. It felt as if an old part of me was being torn away, replaced by something that would take a long time to get used to. A long time to get used to, The thought didn't stick with me that well. Perhaps it was the fact that I will be viewed differently from then on, or how others will believe me to stand out from the rest, which was a belief I didn't want.

I could have named many things about change I didn't like, but it would all boil down to the same idea. Different individuals had a different mindset, nobody having the exact same belief of what is right and what is wrong. As hard as it would be for me to accept it, there would just be some people out there who will look down upon us. I felt it in my heart, I was afraid of how me and Chara would handle this.

While Frisk and Sans were in the nearly same situation, I wasn't concerned for them. They both had a very... Special way of handling large amount of attention with ease that me and Chara seemed to lack. Neither of us were considered to be antisocial, but we seemed to act rash or nervous if not given proper time to form a good response. The spotlight would be focused on us for longer than necessary when we tell the others what we have kept secret for a considerable amount of time, no doubt sharing their mixed opinions and questions.

I close my eyes, and take a deep breath, trying to keep my thoughts reasonable and under control. Try not to worry about it... It will all be fine... While having some effect, my brain has been growing tired of the same old lies I have fed it throughout my years of living. But what if- No! I have grown tired of the constant retaliation that my mind throws at me. Every up had a down, and every outcome had a flaw.

I wanted to think of something that could just make everything easier, something that could just help prove my worries wrong. As calm as I usually was, I knew my breaking point. It would be only a matter of time before I drove myself insane with what-if scenarios and if I should even go along with this.

I open my eyes, sighing. Since when have I not been worried about this? Perhaps this is all just an over exaggeration, I severely hoped. I hear the  sliding door open and then close, breaking me from my thoughts and casting my attention upwards. Speaking of me and Chara... I saw the person in mind look back into my eyes, not saying a word. She walks over and stands next to the table, as if she had some rather concerning things on her mind.

"Please, go ahead." I motion for the quiet girl to sit down, my offer being accepted as she pulls one of the other chairs out from under the table. Sitting down, she stares off into the distance, keeping a straight face. "So..." She twiddled her thumbs with her hands together, looking down. I quickly jump straight to the point as she stares at me with uncertainty. "You wanted to talk?"

My question was confirmed by a quick nod of her head, unsure of what to say. "Well then," I continue. "Ask away." She scratches the back of her head, hesitant. "I'm not here to ask you questions, Azzy." That took me by surprise, I must have been getting worse at reading facial expressions. "I just wanted to say... I'm scared."
Yes, I did just cut it off right there. I've been feeling like crap for a while now. Sorry if there were any mistakes or whatever, I'm just too tired to look it over. I just wanted to get something out right now.

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