Truth Will Out

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11/15/17: 3k views!
December 2018: 7k views.

Asriel POV

I hear the door click shut behind me, our mini group already out as soon as they declared their final thoughts. I stare down at the small black watch wrapped onto my wrist, and I was taken back as I look at the time, 2:00 PM. Did we really spend that long here already? Damnit, looks like we were gonna have to make this shorter than the usual.

I feel my arm being tugged, and see Chara. She surprisingly had a confident smile on her face. "Cmon, let's follow them." I look back towards Frisk and Sans, who have gone and rested on the vacant couch. Frisk quickly caught visual of us, and gave us the signal to come over with a motion of her hand.

We walk over together towards them, ready to listen to what they had in mind. Standing in front of the couch, we stare at a slumped back Sans next to Frisk, still with that same old smile on his face. I pondered the possible ways to go along with this in such short time, and it only always came back down to one solution, making a direct approach about it.

"They're leaving soon," I began. "We gotta be quick about it." Sans chuckles casually, simply shaking the concern off. "That's the plan, and I'm sure they wouldn't mind being held back a little bit by some news." I was starting to become irritated at Sans and Frisk for not taking the topic more seriously, but the somewhat sizeable voice of reason in my head told me that there was some part of them that did care, they just liked to brush it off. Gotta stop overreacting now.

One by one, everybody seemed to leave the kitchen with their own set of thanks, the large rectangular living room becoming more lively. Papyrus and Mettaton have found themselves chatting about the latest news channel the pink robot has set up, starting to boom in popularity. I slowly lose myself in the conversations around me, hearing Alphys speak to Undyne in a joyous voice about her latest success in her experiments. Such conversations sounded like they would be interesting to me, but it would have to wait for another time, because this time I wouldn't back down from my current task.

I snapped back to the group next to me, an idea coming to mind. It wasn't what I would call my brightest idea, but I was really at a loss of what to do. "The only way I see this happening is if you're vocal about it," I knew Chara would probably get mad at me for this, but this is what it boiled down to. "Right Chara?" I raised my voice a little, mentally noting the turn of a robotic head from across the room in my eyesight.

She gave a confused look towards me, and I realized it was now or never, or sometime much longer down the line. I hold her close as I  wrap my arms around her, as if a sudden realization had struck her then. I bring my face towards her, feeling anxiety in the air, trying to calm myself. Just pretend nobody is here... My mind is significantly more relaxed.

Taking the final push I needed, I bring Chara's lips towards mine, delicately touching them. The mental fireworks go off in my head again, persuading me to continue with the activity. Perhaps I kissed her longer than really necessary, but I knew it did the trick as I heard voices die down. I part my lips from her own, the realization of what I've done then hitting me hard as I grew anxious. It was silent for a few seconds, I look around to see everyone give a quizzical look.

Chara had given me a nervous look, the silence had made both of us uneasy. I was beginning to feel as if I screwed up, but an electric voice had interrupted that train of thought. "My my darling, is that what you've been hiding this whole time?" I was unsure who, but somebody had started to applaud the act, and others followed suit. I would have to find who and thank them later.

[Discontinued] Pursuit of Happiness (Chara x Asriel)Where stories live. Discover now