On The Way Out

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A/N at end.
Chara POV

I open my eyes slowly and look around, feeling refreshed from having had caught up on sleep. I see a green roof  in front of my eyes, and I shoot up. Oh right, I'm in a tent. I sigh, not quite used to waking up in random places and taking time to remember events from last night. I lazily pull myself up into a sitting position and look around. The first thing that caught my eye was Asriel. While his sleeping bag was not occupied, I saw him sleeping with his back against the tent wall, head hung down. The position Asriel was sleeping in did not look comfortable in any way whatsoever. My mind starts slowly spring to life, and it starts to debate whether I should wake him up or not. I take a closer look at his sleeping expression, and notice visible tiredness from under his closed eyes. It then clicked in my head that he probably was up for all night. I decided the least I would be able to do for him was put him in a healthier position as he got a well deserved rest. I try to put aside my concern for Asriel for a few minutes as I rest his body on top of his sleeping bag and make my way outside for a breath of fresh air.

I close the tent flap behind me and head towards a small path that led towards a clearing. I hear my footsteps on the grass, nearly silent. I listen closely and hear the quiet chirping of birds going on with the their morning routine. I Stand still for a few moments, taking in the wind that you could barely feel flowing against your sides. I silently take in the sound of nature in it's most peaceful state. I liked nature. It helped me with my problems, calmed me down whenever I was stressed. Hell, I don't get why people just run around disturbing nature and destroying things they find left behind. It made me question sometimes if we really did live up to the title of 'the smartest species on the planet.' But this morning, today just felt like a different morning. Something I felt that more complicated things were going to pop up. No matter what I tried,  I couldn't get rid of the thought of the state I found Asriel in earlier. He never stays up stressed about something unless it meant something big to him. This also put my mind in a state of constant discomfort, knowing if he stressed about something, it could be something big that would effect everybody. I couldn't really beat the thought anymore. I turn right back around, and increased my walking pace back towards the tent. Back towards Asriel.

I walk back towards the site, where I see Frisk and Toriel already up. I don't greet them though, I simply make my way back to the tent without a noise. As I get closer and closer, I hear groaning coming from the inside, having to be Asriel's. I knew that it wasn't in my place to ask, but I hoped I could get some answers out of him. Zipping the tent flap open, I carefully make my way in and close it. When I turn back around, I see Asriel's head looking straight at me. I look into his eyes, which are noticeably bloodshot. Never have I seen him so tired before, and I chose my next words with caution, not knowing what to expect. "Asriel... Are you, alright?" To me, it definitely didn't seem like he was alright. It takes a few seconds, but he looks up and replies to my question. "Hey Chara, good morning." He doesn't acknowledge the question I asked, and just put a weak smile on his face.

I try to repeat my question again, hoping he would answer. "Are you okay? You look tired." Now that Asriel was more awake, he actually took my question into consideration. "Suppose I'm just a bit tired. I'll be better in a bit though." I wasn't totally satisfied with that answer, knowing Asriel wouldn't stay up for no reason. But I figured now wouldn't be a good time to try and pry answers since it was only the morning. I regretfully leave the tent to make my way towards the others. I look down at my watch which reads 10:00 AM. I figured that everyone should be up by now and starting to pack up. More members of our group were out than the last time I checked, Asgore and Sans were joined together with Toriel and Frisk, while Papyrus went around the tents shaking them and screaming at those inside to get up. I went over to see many different breakfast foods being made, and my stomach decided to let out a rumble right then. Well I suppose I haven't eaten for a while. When I'm able to see the different kinds of foods to chose from, my mouth waters and I increase my walking pace.

There were so many kinds of foods to chose from I just couldn't decide! Steaming pancakes, bagels, scrambled eggs, cereal, and probably a lot more that I wasn't even paying attention to. I'm so preoccupied in my food fantasy I am shaken by a voice that comes from my side. "A little hungry there pal?" I look over to see the short skeleton has taken a notice to my craving for food. I become embarrassed, not usually being the one that gets snuck up on. "Sorry Sans, I just tend to do that sometimes." He only chuckles, and gives me a pat on the shoulder. "Step right up, step right up." I take the invitation and make my way towards the table, picking a bagel for and a bagel for Asriel, knowing he preferred them as his breakfast meal whenever he got the chance.

When I turned my back, Sans was gone. As always. I sigh to myself, wanting to talk to him more often. Despite our past and him being aware of the timelines, we had a lot more in common than expected. There was being sneaky, liking to fool around with others, and considering sitting on a couch for an extended period of time to be a 'healthy' activity. Of course, there were plenty of things I didn't know about him. But what I did know for certain though was that he was a night owl. Because of this, I wanted to find him and asked if he knew anything about Asriel, but he always seems to disappear whenever someone wants to ask him anything. I shake my head, and make my way back towards the tent, hoping the warm breakfast bagel would help Asriel feel better. I walk up and fumble with the tent flap, having no hands to open it with. I stop as I hear shuffling come from the other side, and then the flap is opened from the inside, revealing a tired looking Asriel. He moves aside and allows me to come in without a word, keeping his eyes locked on me. I awkwardly sit down and stare back at him, staying silent for a second. I then offer the extra bagel I was holding to him. "Hey Azzy, got us some bagels to eat." He takes the bagel, and puts the first real smile on his face as he thanks me. "You know me too well, don't you?" I just chuckle at that question and nod my head. We ate mostly in silence, savoring the breakfast that we were getting treated to. After eating, Asriel speaks up. "Hey Chara. Whenever we get home and settled, can we just... Talk about something for a bit?" I look at him with surprise, not expecting him to open up so easily. Whenever he wanted to 'talk' it was something that has been on his mind for quite a long time. I nod my head, and decide we should get packed up before Papyrus forces us out with his loud voice.

Before we get out though, I stop him and kiss him on the lips, missing the feeling all too much. Asriel blushes, caught off guard. "Oh come on Asriel, nobody's looking at us." He just chuckles, and then becomes silent, supposedly wanting to pack up and leave for home as soon as possible. Taking down the tent and packing up took a lot shorter than we originally expected, we could since when we went over nobody complained to us about wanting to go home. We didn't waste any time standing around the place. As soon as we were all ready to leave, we left for our desired locations. The group was quite chatty on the way out, fascinating about their time. When I looked back at it, it was quite fun for the most part. Who knows, maybe I'd be willing to do it again...

Thanks again for reading! But some things have come up for me and I might be away for a while. So for now expect the story to be on hold for a short bit.

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