A Strange Feeling

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Chara POV

I continue to sit on my bed, becoming more worried. "It's been half an hour since we left them there! Shouldn't we do something?" I twiddled my thumbs, unable to keep still at the thought of Asriel out doing something dangerous. I feel Frisk put her hand on my shoulder, trying to reassure me for the third time they'll be alright. "Cmon Chara... Did you forget who we were talking about? Of course nothing bad is going to happen to them." I only grunt in annoyance, wanting to go and check what was possibly taking the boys so long. "Chara, just be pat-" I don't listen to Frisk, hearing the door downstairs quietly swing open. I hear footsteps coming upstairs, growing louder at each step. Frisk stops talking, taking longer than me to hear that someone came home. In a matter of few seconds, we see a familiar white furred monster at the door.

"Where have you been? I was starting to worry." Asriel walked in and sighed, sitting down next to me. I hear Frisk's voice speak up. "Starting to worry? You looked pretty serious to me." I groan at the consequences of my impatience, and add a mental note to make a witty comment at Frisk when it was her turn for karma to strike her. Asriel shakes his head, coming closer to me. "Oh you know the gist, talking with Sans about stuff." I tilt my head to the side, curious. He saw my look, giving me more answers. "Family, hobbies, life, things guys talk about, that kinda stuff." I nod my head, not really believing some of what he said, but I didn't want to question it at the moment. "Say," Frisk spoke up. "Do you happen to know where Sans went?" He rubs his eyes, shrugging his shoulders. "Hell if I know, he just pops up one second then he leaves the next second." That earned a small chuckle out of Frisk. "Trust me you'll get used to it when you talk to him more." I gave a confused look, never having seen Asriel interact with Sans up until today. Of course there were the greetings and passing by's, but they didn't count. "Wow, I didn't know you guys would bond that quick. Well, being quite the opposite of each other and all."

Asriel takes a deep breath, and speaks in a somewhat melancholic voice. "Well, when you think about it... Things just aren't going to be the same after this. After all, while we're still in the same world that doesn't mean that how people look upon us will never change." I let that sink into my brain, the thought of after the deed was done. It was true, things just wouldn't be the same for our group. Me and Asriel would be considered one of the first human and monster couples next to Frisk and Sans, so we would get mixed reactions. "Figured we'd talk one last time, just for old times sake." I look down at the ground, my mind opening to the many different possibilities. A peaceful life that I have become so used to. That may change for better or worse, it can't be the same after this. I hear light scrapping on the floor, Frisk stopping within few feet of us with a chair in her grasp. As she sits down, she speaks quietly. "Hey now, relax. Don't forget who you're talking about now." I stare back up, almost automatically answering that question. "Of course, our friends. You've already said that a lot of times, they're not the group I worry about though. " Asriel inputs his immediate response before me or Frisk could keep sending ups and downs at each other. "Please you two, quit arguing. When we tell our friends, wouldn't it be more logical to keep it limited to them for the time being?" I automatically look towards him, starting to become bothered. "I know, that's what I suggested."

Frisk eyed me closely, an unreadable face. "I'm not putting any pressure on you, alright? I'm just saying there's going to be a time at some point." She gets up, making her way towards the door. "You know you can't bottle these things in forever." No extra words were made as she went out of the room, supposedly off to do well... Whatever she did with her free time. I sighed, once again another mini conflict supposedly caused by me. No, I refuse to think of these things. For now though, it was just me and Asriel, unbothered and together. There weren't any noises of bustling activity, or any sound of laughter or shouting from any of our friends. It was just us, and nothing but the sound of silence. One would call that lonely, but for us, it was something we would take joy in. We cared a large deal for all of the others, but times like these when it was just us felt like it couldn't get better.

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