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Chara POV

I remain unable to say much more, honestly not sure how to feel about the whole situation. As soon as the others hear the news, things just won't be the same anymore. Some of the people may look down upon us, others might not mind at all. I see Asriel staring at me, expecting me to say more. "I just... Am not sure how to go with this." I lean back in the chair uncomfortably, seeing Asriel sigh.

"I'm scared too, Chara." I perk my head up, surprised at the calm response that I heard. "Nobody can always predict how things will turn out in a life changing moment." Nodding my head, I was about to state my reasoning for my fears but I was cut off. "But, that doesn't mean you can hide a life changing moment either." I feel a pang of guilt hit me, unable to walk past a zone I was comfortable in. Seeing the look on my face, he groans.

"I'm not trying to push you forwards or backwards, but we just have to know how to handle these things without trouble." I thought about that. Without trouble. To me, that sounded really difficult as a task to complete in few hours. We both remain silent for few seconds, possibly dwelling on the thought of change.

Our thoughts were cut short, dragged back the reality by a light tapping noise. Tap tap. I look towards the door, only to see nobody there. "Asriel?" I didn't know where the noise came from. "Yes Chara, I heard it too." I hear him groan and call out to supposedly nobody. "Alright man, quit playing your magician shenanigans already." I give him an odd look, seeming as if he was beginning to go insane. "Erm, Asri-"

"Already? Wow, you need to relax some more." My blood runs cold from a voice few feet away from me. I sharply turn my head around, seeing a short skeleton in the middle of my vision. "Ha! The look on your face!" I take few seconds to recover from a too common near death scare, giving a dead-pan look towards the skeleton who's face lit up like a Christmas tree.

Now I wasn't sure about Asriel, but nearly being given a heart attack was not my idea of fun. "Yes, it would be preferable if you didn't hand out tickets to the hospital at a time such as this." Showing hints of a stern face, Asriel sat up and straightened his back. "So tell me, is there something important you want us to know?" Sans merely scoffed at the reaction he got.

"Come on man, don't turn into Papyrus, he hates my stunts enough." With a "Mhm" from Asriel, he was motioned to continue on. "We got food all ready y'know, isn't it rude to keep a guest starving?" Oh, right. I forgot about all the times we ate together. Fortunately for me, I myself did not eat too much in the morning, room for a big feast. "There ya go, I see that look on your face. We got a boat load of food ready." Sans proceeds to go inside the home, motioning to us. "Come on, don't keep the others waiting."

With no more traces, he disappears from view rather than opening the door. Sans' logic for you. "So..." I cough and clear my throat. "Shall we?" Asriel doesn't budge, only nodding his head. "Yeah, just give me a minute." Sighing, I pull myself out of the chair and turn around. "Alright, but I'm coming back out here if you overstay your visit." I make my way towards the door and open it softly, already hearing lively conversations.


"So tell me dear..." I was snapped out of day dreaming mode, now paying attention to a robotic voice that filled my ear. "How has your relationship been with everyone been holding up?" Crap. I wasn't ready for or in the mood for these questions, not having much time to really think of answers through everyone's fast paced conversations. "Well, it's been quite the same, nothing interesting." I lied. I feel a stab of guilt pierce me as I hide the truth. Then again, I didn't really have any other choice.

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