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Asriel POV

I wake up to hear the sound of silence. My eyes adjust, and I figure it's still night time right now. Why am I awake right now? I sit up and hear two voices in a far off distance, incoherent to me what they are saying. I feel Chara shift around in her sleep, and then stay still. I very slowly make my way out of the sleeping bag, then exit the tent. I take my time to slowly regain full control of my movement, and make my way towards the sounds of the voices. As I grow closer, I can hear them more clearly, a light voice and deep voice.

"Isn't this great, Sans?" I get a clear view of Frisk, probably smiling as she stared up at the stars. "Eh, what? Yeah they do." I hear the deeper voice of what must be Sans speak. I look at them from my safe distance, totally distracted from the sight in front of them. That was proof enough for me everything was going to turn out fine, and I back away quietly before I am spotted. Apparently, I wasn't quiet enough as San's voice called out to me. "Ey, going somewhere?" Frisk turns around, and is surprised to see me a small distance away from them. Sans then just laughs. "Y'know I'm not deaf, despite a lot of people's beliefs." I stand still, deciding very carefully if I should talk or leave. The decision wasn't mine however, as Sans already has me come over. "Why don't you stare at the stars? You just gonna tell me you came out here for nothing?" I walk over cautiously.

"I actually came here because I heard voices. I'm not uh, interrupting anything am I?" Sans just shakes his head and puts his hand on my shoulder, calming me down from my thoughts. Frisk paused and took a moment to observe us, trying to hide a nervous look. "Well, I guess it's no use to try to sleep now..." I eventually sat down and let go of my breath I was holding. Perhaps this could be a good time to take a break from everything. Sometimes, I thought the stars were one of the best things in life. Ever since my eyes first landed on them, they have become one of my most favorite objects that I know. However, they did not take my number one pick. Ever since I fell in love, Chara has become my favorite sight. Her looks, how she acts, how she talks. I just felt like nothing could top it.

"You must really enjoy this." I snapped out of my thoughts, and look towards Frisk who just smiled. "Just a little lost in thought." I responded and hoped Frisk wouldn't push me about the matter, but she seemed to know that I wasn't thinking about the stars at all. She thankfully remained silent and sat down as well with Sans. Minutes passed, we didn't really say much, but we didn't need to for us to enjoy ourselves. After a while, Frisk and Sans look at each other, then to me. "Hey, Asriel?" Frisk called out my name, and I look over to her. I stayed silent as she hesitated to ask a question, but Sans spoke for her. "We uh, well want to say something. First of all, Frisk told me about your little thing you had going on with Chara." I stare at Frisk, wondering why she would just come out and reveal a secret that I didn't want anyone to know. Sans continued before I could get too mad. "Relax, if we're gonna be honest, I think it's pretty cute. I always saw something going on between the two of you. But that's not my point." Frisk spoke up and took her turn, feeling confident again. "Well since you and Chara are together... It wouldn't hurt for me and Sans to have feelings for each other, right?"

I take my time to silently process the words I just heard. I guess my suspicions have been right from the start, they were together, and waiting for the chance they could freely love each other without being looked down upon. I felt my emotions tug at me, realizing I was only in their way. "You guys... I don't understand why it's so hard for you to accept your love for one another." Frisk perked up at that. "But... What about the others? What will they think?" A common question in a hidden relationship. I already knew what everyone would think. "Well... They would be surprised, I know that for sure. But overtime, they'll welcome it, and you won't be frowned upon. We're all friends here."

The advice I give them seems to give a positive effect, calming down from a worried state. But only more questions arose from Frisk. "Hey Asriel... I know now that you say it that it may be the case for us... But what about you and Chara?" I sigh, not wanting to have to explain. "Look. It's just, I don't know... Different. Everyone just see's us as childhood friends or Chara as an adopted family member. Which well, both are true to a certain degree." Sans just frowned and thought those reasons weren't proper excuses to stall telling everybody else about the relationship. "Seriously pal? That doesn't mean that you can't love each other ." I become only more conflicted than before, rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes. "Look, maybe now isn't the best time to talk about this. I don't know about you guys, but I'm just gonna try and get some rest." I walk off back to my tent, not wanting to think about the conversation I had with the new couple. I reach the tent, not wanting anything more than to just sleep all my thoughts away. I get in, and lay down, only looking upwards.

My thoughts won't stop. I take time to think long and hard, maybe Sans did have a point after all. I get up into a sitting position and sigh, knowing it was going to be one of those nights that I didn't get any sleep or barely any. I continue to stay in my thoughts, unable to think of anything else but how I've been hiding things from everyone else. Is this really the right thing to do? Just keep on lying to everybody? I soon came on my mixed answer. It wasn't the best thing to do, but it was the only thing I could do right now. I felt my eyes starting to struggle to keep open, and I hope to find myself awaken without tiredness. However, I knew that wouldn't really be possible at this timing. So now, I just gotta hope for the best.

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