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Asriel POV

I open my eyes only to see things... Alot bigger. Wait a second- I suddenly remember the events leading up to where I am now, and Yelp with happiness. I was no longer a flower, I was Asriel again! The body I wanted back so long for so much time was finally given back to me! "Frisk, Alphys! It worked!" As soon as I finish shouting my sentence, I hear Frisk and Alphys racing over, overjoyed to see me in my true monster form. "Asriel! Welcome back!" Frisk exclaims as I felt myself being wrapped in a tight hug which I make sure to return with equal excitement. "Ah, I see you a-are up now." I hear Alphys say. "Oh Alphys, we can't thank you enough!" I shouted as me and Frisk hugged her, making her become embarrassed. "Oh, I just tried to help is all. How about we go back and greet everybody?" Alphys suggested what was all on our minds, and began our journey back up to our new found home.

The walk was mostly silent for the way, but we were interrupted by yet another feeling of moving air. I froze up, I knew what this meant, Chara has decided to join along with us. "Chara!" I couldn't describe my happiness that I felt when I first saw a small blur of her appear. Her body kept becoming more and more visible as time went on, until she looked like she was one hundred percent in physical form, and in flesh. "Oh lord, it's really you!" I wasted no time in running up to Chara hugging her tightly as I can, the embrace being also held tightly by Chara. "Shh... I am here, you are here, we are united again." I was tearing up, and judging by Chara's change in voice, I was sure she was doing the same thing. The emotional hug lasted for an at least two good minutes. "Hah... I don't wanna let go..." I feel a small pain in my heart as the embrace breaks off, but Chara only looks at me with a look of comfort, coming back to continue our walk beside me. Frisk and Alphys let us have our time alone, and we took advantage of it. We did not need words to understand each other, we both knew what the other has gone through, knowing their ultimate goal was to get their friend back. I heard a small giggle from Frisk, and I turned my head to ask her what was so funny. "Hey, what is it?" I try and get the answer out of Frisk. "Hehe, you guys are like lovebirds." Chara stopped in place when she heard that, and I just stood there dumbfounded. "You know what, never mind." I try to brush off the comment, but that little joke was stuck in my head now. Chara simply looked at me in an awkward fashion, then looked away. I saw a tint of light red on her cheeks. Was she blushing? I just try to shake the thought from my head, but then Frisk spoke up. "Okay, we've arrived at the camp. I just hope you are ready to introduce yourselves to everyone, alright?" As much as I try to keep myself under control, I couldn't help but become nervous, and Chara took notice of this. "Hey, don't worry Azzy... We are going to get through this together." Chara whispered in my ear and took a hold of my hand. Even though I didn't want to admit it, Chara was right. Everything would turn out for the better if  we just got this done with as soon as possible.

We enter the campsite, not entirely knowing what to expect. We feel eyes lock onto us. The monsters have never seen me or Chara before, so it was natural they would be confused as to who we are. When we reach the edge of the campsite, we were halted once again but this time by a shocked voice. "M-My child?"

[Discontinued] Pursuit of Happiness (Chara x Asriel)Where stories live. Discover now