Comfort From A Friend

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Asriel POV

I stare at Chara's peaceful body, deciding if I should get up or not. Chara wrapped her arms around me tighter, wanting to snuggle her newly acquired pillow. Normally, I never did consider myself the type to take random naps, but I suppose I could do it for Chara. I lay my head back down, sighing. I decided I should take this moment for granted, since I recently haven't had much time to rest as the last few days of school neared. Guess now is a better time than ever. I wait for a few minutes, slowly feeling the effects of sleep coming upon me.

This place looks... Oddly familiar. I open my eyes to somewhere completely different than my home. There is nobody in sight, the wind is quietly howling, the grass and trees seem to go on for miles. I observe my surroundings more closely, and it only hits me just now that I'm near Mount Ebott. I see the mountain in the distance, still standing tall and proud, challenging people to climb it. "Hey, beautiful sight, isn't it?" I recognized that voice. I turn around and see Chara, also admiring the sight of the landscape. I'm left speechless, and don't move when Chara comes closer and wraps her arm around my shoulder. "Heh, you look a little surprised. Guess I gotta stop doing that then." I knew I was in a mere dream, but I couldn't help but feel like everything was so real. "You know, it's pretty quiet here..." The dream Chara seemed to be saddened at that. Then I thought it would be a good time to speak. "Well, shouldn't we find the others?" Chara's expression seemed to grow morose, and she clenched her teeth. "Cmon Asriel, don't you remember?" Things made no sense to me, like I missed one of the most important events. "What do you mean, remember?" I rubbed my head, unable to recall an event that upset Chara recently."They're gone! They've left us for dead! They would have killed us! What do you mean you don't remember!?" Chara began to hyperventilate and break down, crying in the process. I try to approach her and calm her, but she pushes me away, and abandons me, disappearing into thin air. "C-Chara! Wait!" I try to stop her, but I was powerless to do so. As she faded, I realized that I was all alone and broke down into tears, something I thought that I wouldn't ever do again. Asriel... Asriel... Cmon... I begin to feel dizzy, and feel a sharp pain in my chest. I cry out at the pain, it became to an unbearable degree. Everything around me, my world, my vision, crumbled to darkness.

"Asriel!" I burst up, feeling the sweat run down my face. Just a nightmare... Nothing, but just a nightmare... I try to relax, but my breathing rate is still high. I stare up, and see a concerned Frisk near my side. "Asriel, are you alright?" I merely shake my head and sigh. "Just a nightmare..." Frisk nodded her head, and gave me an offer. "Perhaps we could talk about this later, but dinner has been made." I dwelled on the decision, and decided to accept since it would be better to get my thoughts off of my back. I nod back towards Frisk, who pats me on the shoulder and helps me up, and we make our way to the dinner table.

"Toriel is getting things cleaned up at the school, and won't be able to join us tonight for dinner." I heard my father speak, him and Chara already at the table. Only when I sit down does Asgore know of my presence. "Thank you for getting him Frisk, I wouldn't want him sleep through dinner." I look in the bowls and see that we were having soup for dinner, a choice that I didn't mind at all. As per usual, our meal was in silence, and only when we were done did we thank Asgore and head for upstairs. Frisk leads me up to her room, and motions for me to sit on the bed. "Now we just have to wait for Chara." Wait. What? I become puzzled and asked Frisk what she went by wait for Chara, but was met without a clear answer. "Just wait for her, it will be easier to do this." Few seconds after Frisk said that, Chara stood at the doorway. "So Frisk, why did you need me and Asriel here?"

Chara POV

I got settled on the bed next to Asriel, leaning in for extra comfort. Frisk began to talk about why she brought us here. "Alright, I'm going to try to keep this short. It's been painfully obvious to me that you two are together, always being around one another and closer than before." I was dumbfounded. How did she know? "And just today, I saw that both of you were not at ease, so I figured it would best to have the two of you talk together, as it would be easier to figure out the problem and know what to do for it." While I was grateful that Frisk would want to arrange something like this, I was nervous at the whole idea in general. Before I could say anything though, Asriel decided to take his turn in explaining what was troubling him. "It was... A nightmare. At first I thought the place looked beautiful and that me and Chara were happy together, but I was wrong. Chara became upset when I asked her why we didn't go with the others, and she told me things like they abandoned us, or they were going to kill us. It just doesn't make sense to me." Needless to say I was very surprised to hear about this. Asriel never talked about dreams in too much depth. Frisk nodded her head, and looked towards me. "Chara, I believe that there has been something troubling you as well?" I pause for a moment, thinking of a way to explain it, but could only come out with a simple explanation. "I don't know... I'm just like, scared, I think? I think all three of us know I love Asriel with all my heart, but I can't help but think of the world outside from ours, like we will be turned away from everybody for our relationship." Frisk was silent for nearly a minute, then spoke as if she had the answer to the problem. "I think both of you are scared of the same thing, but you just don't know it. You're afraid of how the others will take to this news. Never before has there been a romantic connection between a human and a monster, so the idea would be unclear to everybody." I nodded my head, slowly agreeing with the logic that Frisk was using. "But don't worry, because we will accept you guys. Don't forget, we are all friends, and we would never cast each other away from one another. I am saying that they will accept you, because they will find out though. Did you really just expect to stay silent about the whole situation from the others for the rest of your lives?" Frisk did have a good point, and we were going to have to tell everybody sooner or later. And with that, me and Asriel made the final decision to not be afraid of the things to come.

"Well, thanks for the help Frisk." I could tell Asriel felt alot better than before, giving a smile. "Oh it's no problem. And Chara, you aren't the only one going after a monster." Frisk gave us a wink and said that she was turning in early for the night, closing her door probably to do whoever knows what again. But for now, me and Asriel had different plans in mind. We make our way downstairs, and are greeted to a silent room. "Well I guess Toriel and Asgore have gone off together again." Asriel listened closely, but heard nothing. Even though I felt mean to admit to myself, I was looking forwards to me and Asriel being alone again. Of course Frisk was home, but she wouldn't mind what we did. We went to our usual place to relax if not our rooms, the sofa. But now that we had each other, we didn't need a television to keep us entertained. When Asriel was zoned out enough, I gave him an unexpected kiss on the lips, causing him yelp in shock. "Heh, I'm never gonna get used to that, am I?" I chuckled at Asriel's statement and gave my own confirmation. "Nope." And with that, another night was spent with locked lips, and tight embraces.

[Discontinued] Pursuit of Happiness (Chara x Asriel)Where stories live. Discover now