Stargazing pt.2

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Chara POV

Honestly, I'm not sure how to feel about this. Of course, everybody wanted to have a bit of fun which I could understand, but the part I was confused about was Frisk.  I have already stated to her before, she has done all she can to make me and Asriel happy. At first I was skeptical, but it started to make sense when I saw Frisk talking to Sans. While I could understand she wanted to make everybody happy, I felt there was a personal reason behind it, and I had a clear idea of what it was. She has found her own love, and I decided in a short amount of time I wanted to help her succeed if she wanted to start a relationship. Frisk had helped me and Asriel learn to not hide our feelings, shouldn't I be able to do the same for her?

Apparently I was to deep inside my thoughts, and when Asriel's voice called out to me I jumped. "Chara, I know that look. Don't you remember that I'm always here to help you?" I shake my thoughts off, and take my time to look into his eyes. "It's not about me Asriel, it's about Frisk. I'm sure you've seen her talking with Sans a while back?" Asriel nodded his head, getting an idea of what I was getting onto. It has been this way for a few months now, Frisk slowly becoming more quiet around Sans, who didn't seem to notice any change at all. Asriel caught onto what I wanted to do, and agreed it was a good idea to repay Frisk. "Alright, so maybe we can help her with her problems then your getting at?" I nodded my head, and thought of ideas to help Frisk get together with Sans. "Well I mean now is a good time..." I couldn't think of many other good places that Frisk would possibly be able to confess love at. While she was the most confident of the group, she too had her weak spots when it came to confessing things. Asriel then gave his theory. "Whenever Frisk sets things up, it means she's planning something. I know she didn't just do this for any of us, but rather herself. If Frisk needs help telling Sans about her feelings we'll be there to help her, alright?" Asriel did make sense. Frisk was the kind of person that would set plans up for her own benefit as well as other's. I trusted Asriel's judgement on the situation and let it go.

I sit by the unlit campfire, starting to realize there was not a whole lot to do while waiting for night. I checked the time on my watch for it to read 5:00 pm. While the time did go by a lot faster than I originally expected, it was nowhere near the time for the stars to come out. "We're gonna have to wait a good three hours at the least for the stars to come out." Apparently I made a good point as Asriel stopped. He mumbled to himself, thinking of ideas that would possibly pass the time. "Hm... How about we see what everyone else has an idea of?" I didn't really see anything wrong with what Asriel told me, and thought the idea sounded good. "Alrighty then, lets go." As we went over the picnic tables, Frisk motioned us over with a stack of cards in her hands. "You know I brought stuff before the main event right?" I sigh as she beats me to the punch once again. I ponder over the decision of whether or not card games would be fun for me, but Asriel already made the choice. "Alright, sounds fun." With that, we got into our first game.

I thought it would be boring after a while, but I couldn't have been more wrong. The many games we played kept me entertained for much more longer than I expected, and I saw it getting dark rather fast. "Oh hey look at that, dark already." Frisk just giggles at my remark, getting everyone's attention. "Hey everyone, the stars are going to come out!" With that, everybody stopped what they were doing, and headed on over to the campfire. "I'll do the honorable task." Toriel walks over, and lights the campfire with her flame magic as she gets close. Everyone sits down on one of the logs and look up in the sky. Although not pitch black, I could see a star already, dim but noticeable. "Hey look, I found one already." I point my finger to the star I see, and the group looks up. "So that's a star, eh? Looks pretty bright." Sans chuckles and takes in the sight of it's color and shape. "W-wow, that looks amazing!" Alphys was in awe never being able to look at the stars this close up. She makes sure to write down notes, not wanting to miss an occasion to learn more. I sigh and let myself relax, taking advantage of the situation. It was not every day that I got to do things like this now.

The group found many different kind of stars and were amazed by their patterns, but soon became drowsy. I check the time to see that three hours of star gazing have gone by, as it was an hour away from midnight. I began to feel quite tired myself, and decided that not all good things could last forever. "Well I don't know about you guys but I'm turning in for the night." I spoke what everybody else had on their minds, and we all say goodnight to one another and head our own ways. Once me and Asriel were finally in our tent and zipped the door behind us, we collapsed onto our sleeping bags. I crawl over to Asriel and hold him close, giving him a kiss on the lips. "Hehe, I've been waiting a while to do that now." Asriel just laughs and holds me closer. "Good night, love you Chara." I could hear the tiredness in his voice, and thought it would be best to let him sleep. "I love you too Azzy." And soon enough I began to feel myself slip off into a state of peace.

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