chapter 1

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*Ayano's pov*
Today's the first day of school. I can't wait to see my senpai! I wonder if he still has that stupid childhood friend, Osana najimi. Guess I'll find out today. As I ran out of my house and down my driveway I ran into someone. It was my senpai.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. Here let me help you." He said. AHHH SENPAI!!!

"Th-thanks." I blushed. Then I saw someone coming up next to him. I didn't recognize this guy. He: just use the picture at the top I'm too lazy to do a description.

"Taro! Your going to make us late ag-" he stopped as he looked at me and blushed.

"Like I was saying, your going to make us late!" He yelled. I thought Osana was his childhood friend. Then they left.

"Bye, hope to see you at school." Taro waved. I love him so much.

"O-ok b-bye t-taro and osano." I waved while blushing. Senpai didn't hear me but osano sure did. In fact he turned around while walking backwards and waved at me with a light blush then turned around and continued walking.

*at school*
"Time to go stalk senpai!" I thought to myself as I changed my shoes. I went over to the fountain and crept behind a tree. As I was watching them I got a text.

*in text*
???: I saw you stalking an upperclassmen today.

Yan-chan: I literally just started. And why do you care? Do you have a problem with that?

???: I don't. I just wanted to tell you what's going on with Osana switching with osano.

Yan-chan: ok.... Then tell me. And who are you?

???: all the female rivals have turned into male rivals and have taken an interest in someone else...

Yan-chan: it all makes sense now! But what is your name?

???: I'm the one named info-kun.

Yan-chan: wait your a guy too?? So the female you had a crush on my senpai!!

Info-kun: yes. But I don't anymore along with the rest of the rivals.

Yan-chan: ok then who do they like?

Info-kun: I can't tell you that.

Yan-chan: Ok then I'm leaving. Bye

*out of text*
"First male osano then male info-chan?!" I yelled a bit too loud. Osano walked over to where I was standing. When he saw who said his name he blushed.

"Uh...why did you call my name?" Oh crap...

"Sorry, I was talking to myself." I nervously laughed and scratched the back of my head. He raised an eyebrow while still blushing, but went back to sitting with taro.

"Phew, that was close." I said quieter. I'm going to see if their are other "male rivals."

Her Complicated Love Story(Ayano X Male Rivals)UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now