I wonder if you guys hate me now for not updating sooner.... 😅
*Third POV*
Ayano walked to her new homeroom with the schedule in hand. She found the classroom and what she found surprised her. She didn't realize it until now but,She was assigned to an upper class. It looked like this is class was for the rich and smart kids.' Why am I in here? I'm not even old enough to be in this class.' Ayano sighed and walked in. The teacher acknowledged her and stood up from where she was sitting.
"Excuse me class, we have a new student that will be joining us today. Her name is Ayano Aishi. Please be respectful to her. Ayano you can go sit next to..... Megamo!" The teacher pointed him out and the girl went to her seat.
Megamo glanced over at the girl multiple times during class and couldn't focus. It soon got so bad that a teacher had to call on him.
"Mr. Saikou, do you need to move seats?"
"No ma'am." The teacher nodded and went back to teaching the rest of the class.
~time skippy~
After class was over Megamo invited Ayano to lunch and Ayano 'happily' replied.
(So I think that in fanfics with ayano x male rivals the author fails to mention that Ayano is emotionless unless she's around senpai. I know I did that too but I'm fixing it now)
Megamo smiled and they ate their lunches together in the cafeteria.
~time skip brought to you by midori saying "YANDEREDEV YANDEREDEV!!"~
After school Megamo asked if he could walk Ayano home and she declined. She said she had to do "errands" And he couldn't come. You could clearly see the dissapointment in Megamo's face but Ayano didn't care.
'He is unimportant.' She thought.' He does not matter.'
Megamo on the other hand, was completely different. He felt as though his heart was impaled when she declined to his proposal. Even though it wasn't necessarily that big he still felt hurt.
A man's heart is very fragile, just like a woman's.
So you would understand how fragile Megamo's was."Well maybe another time?" Megamo asked nervously. He scratched the back of his neck just in case you were wondering.
"Yes, maybe." Ayano then took off towards her home, leaving Megamo in the dust.
The next day was how would you describe it..... Hell. Yes, complete hell. It seemed as though Ayano couldn't get a moment's peace.
In the morning Amao and Eukiyo were crowding her and asking her if she was single or not. Ayano was annoyed.
In class Megamo was constantly bothering her about paying attention in class and how she should do a better job at doing it. Ayano eternally face palmed.
At lunch Hanakō and Oko sat with her at the lunch table admiring her and every now and then Hanakō would tell her how beautiful she was and Oko would nod in agreement. Ayano was content.
After school Kizano and Miyujo seemed to be fighting over something in the drama club. Ayano left the scene.
On her way home Osorō and Aso walked her to her house even when she declined. Ayano was unhappy, but comfortable.
When she got home she got a ton of messages from Kuudere-kun telling her 'thank you' WAY too many times. Ayano didn't know how he got her number but guessed it was info-kun, who was being his perverted self towards her throughout the day. Ayano was just tired......
So she went to sleep.
Just kidding! But she did go to sleep.
So here's the A/N. I have big news! I'm making the megamo x ayano book and the amao x ayano book! ^–^
And if you guys want a sneak peak then go to my newest book:my future works.
It will also have other books I plan on doing so stay in tune for that!
Also I might not be working on this book for awhile since I have to finish writing at least 1 chapter for each of the new books so sorry!
I think that might be all......
I got it now!
I'm going to put my other books on hiatus BC they ain't working out and I need to focus all my time into the other ones.
Ok I think that's all now.
Byeeeeee love you❤

Her Complicated Love Story(Ayano X Male Rivals)UNDER EDITING
FanfictionAyano is after Senpai once more, unfortunately for her however, several rivals block her way. This time however, they're all boys and after her?!? How will Ayano be able to get her Senpai while they're chasing her? Will she even be able to get her S...