chapter 10

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Ok so I just realized that in the book today is Friday😂 so you know what's gonna happen😉

*Ayano's POV*
As I was walking to school I felt as if my Tsundere friend was nervous today.

Wait!! He's going to confess to me!!! He believes in the myth!! AHHH!!!! Crap....

"So why are you nervous?" I asked.

"I-I'm not n-nervous BAKA!" He yelled at me then hid his face to cover his blush.

You know, I wouldn't mind if he confessed to me. Wait what am I thinking I love senpai!!!


I then told him that senpai wanted me to meet his little brother hanakō.

We walked into the courtyard and saw senpai sitting on the fountain with who I was assuming was his little brother. We walked over to them and we were acknowledged.

"Hi ayano, osano. Meet my little brother ayano, hanakō." We looked over at where senpai was looking and saw a cute little boy with a little Apple pin in his hair which resembles senpai's.

" We looked over at where senpai was looking and saw a cute little boy with a little Apple pin in his hair which resembles senpai's

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"Hi hanakō I'm ayano." I held out my hand to him but he hugged me instead. I blushed at his sudden action but brushed it off.

"Can I call you onee-chan?" He asked smiling big while holding my shoulders.

"Sure!" I returned his smile which made him jump up and down.

"Yay! This school is awesome! I'm so happy to be here!" He stopped jumping up and down when he saw osano giving him a glare.

~time skip to class~
"Alright class, open up your textbooks to page 103." Sensei said.

I turned to page 103 to find out what we're learning today is sex ed. Is the school so cheap that they can't have their own teacher who teaches how sex works on their own? Guess so...

'God I really don't want to go over this. I'm zoning out.' I thought. 

"Excuse me Rana sensei, may I be excused for a moment." I rose my hand and he nodded for me to go.

I'll just be near my locker till class is over.

I walked over to my locker and decided to clean it out. It needs some cleaning. I opened my locker to see a love note.... I almost opened it when I got interrupted.

"Ayano you need to get back to class." A random boy from my class said. I followed him back to my class, but before I did I his the letter in my skirt.

'I'll read it in class.' I thought.

I sat back down in my seat and took out the letter.

Dear ayano,

I want to talk about my feelings towards you under the -

"No notes in class Miss aishi. I'm going to confiscate this for the day. You may get it back on Monday." Sensei stole the letter from me and walked away with a smirk on his face. I heard osano growl.

I don't blame him, its his letter; probably, just got taken away from the teacher to where he couldn't confess his love to me. No wonder he's mad.

Well at least he can't confess to me now....

The rest of the day was very boring. Me and osano had lunch together, I hung out with hanakō between classes, and budo even stopped to say hi. Well he actually just wanted me to join his club. Which of course I declined.

Actually I need to join the sports club.

~time skip to after school~

I was walking around the outside the school looking for the sports club when I saw a pool. I walked over to the pool to find people swimming in it. Well actually only three.

'Is this the sports club?' I thought to myself.

I saw a tanned blonde hair boy get out of the pool and headed his way towards me.

"Hello may I help you?" He asked with a light blush present on his face

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"Hello may I help you?" He asked with a light blush present on his face.

"Oh well I was wondering if I could talk to the leader? I want to join the club!" I smiled at him. Too bad it was forced....

"Well I'm the president actually. And you said that you wanted to join?" I nodded.

"Great! We always need new members!" This guy is way to enthusiastic.

I looked down and his bare chest caught my eyes. I felt my face heating up so I looked back at him to see a blush on his cheeks too.

"Go change into your swimsuit and we'll get started!" He smiled. I turned around and headed to the changing room.

*Aso's POV*

"You know..... I'd put my life on the line for you... If it ever came to that..."

Sorry it was so short but it was kinda rushed but I only have oko to do then I'll let all hell let loose on ayano!😂 well let's see how it all plays out!👍

Her Complicated Love Story(Ayano X Male Rivals)UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now