✧Osorō's Ending✧

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I swear these things keep getting shorter and shorter -_-

*Third POV*

It was just another normal day at Akademi high, or so we thought.

"Please stop." Ayano whimpered as the infamous bullies of akademi high kicked her and tore at her uniform.

"Oi, what the hell do you think you're doing on my turf?" A muscular voice called from only a little away. The girls flinched in recognition of the voice and slowly turned around.

"N-nothing! W-we'll leave now!" One of the girls said as the rest already started speed walking. Osorō smirked in triumphant before walking over to Ayano. He picked her chin up with the both of his hands and looked straight into her eyes. Her gray orbs widened at the sudden contact before she also put her hands on his face. Osorō flinched before asking.

"A-are you okay? Do I need to take you to the nurse?" He asked while blushing. Ayano softly smiled at him and started leaning in. Osorō got the message and also started leaning in.

And, they kissed. Osorō went up in flames while trying to stay calm while Ayano just smiled into the kiss. They parted for much needed air and looked away from each other in embarrassment.

"So...... What now?" Ayano asked while looking at a cherry blossom tree. Osorō sighed and looked at Ayano from the corner of his eyes.

"I-I l-love you, so I was wondering if you'd go o-out with me. Y-you don't have any right to refuse anyway! I saved your life, so that means you owe me.... Or something....." Osorō started off confident, but as he continued talking he just became more flustered. Ayano giggled and nodded before looking at him.

"Of course I will Osorō. I would've said yes anyways, because I love you." She smiled at him while his eyes widened and teared started to form in his eyes.

"W-what's wrong?! I said I love you, shouldn't you be happy?" Ayano shuttered, feeling concern for him. Osorō chuckled and wiped his eyes before hugging her.

"I'm just so happy..... The tears wouldn't stop...." Ayano smiled at Osorō as he seemed to glow in the sunset.


"Did you hear?"

"No what?"

"Ayano Aishi is dating the Osorō Shidesu."

"No way! Really?"

"Yeah, I bet they just use each other for their pleasure."

"Ayano. Don't listen to them." Ayano was snapped out of her daydream to look up at her boyfriend. She looked around with sad eyes.

"But it's not true. They shouldn't say those things." Ayano muttered. Osorō growled under his breath before excusing himself letting Ayano get to her class.

"So you two think it's okay to just be spreading shit about my girlfriend and me?" He glared at the two boys who suddenly seemed like they were about to pee their pants. The two boys shook their heads and darted into the opposite direction, but Osorō grabbed one of them.

"Did you really think you could get away? Maybe this'll teach you a lesson not to mess with me, or my girlfriend."


"Osorō what did you do?!" Ayano walked into the empty classroom that held Osorō. He just looked away towards the window.

"They hurt your feelings, so they had to pay." It took her minute, but when she finally got it she burst out into happiness.

"Aww Osorō! You did that for me?" She hugged him with a blush on her face while he just nodded and looked away with a blush.

"You're my knight aren't you?"

"Yeah. And you're the beautiful princess."

Hey I'm not dead so that's good. 😅

So when all the endings are over I'm going to give you hidden facts about the story that you might've never figured out of known about so that might be fun!

Her Complicated Love Story(Ayano X Male Rivals)UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now