chapter 7

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*Osano's POV*
I was on my way to Ayano's house to pick her up from her house so we could walk to school together. God I love that girl.

I knocked on her door and she didn't answer. I knocked harder and she still didn't answer. I twisted open the doorknob and it surprisingly it opened. I looked inside and called out her name, no answer. I called her name again, no answer. I started to get worried. I ran upstairs and opened up her bedroom door to see her in bed still.

"Baka, we're going to be late!" I yelled at her. All I got was a groan and her turn towards me.

That's when I noticed that she was sick.

"Oh no, your sick. Can you go to school?" I asked. All she did was shake her head and groan. I checked her temperature.

"102.6?! That's really high. Your not going to school and neither am I because in going to take care of you!" I said. Oops...

"You know, cause we're friends. That's it." I quickly covered up my tracks of being nice. That's when her phone rang. She got a message from an unknown person. I woke her up and told her to check it. It might be important.

"Ok." Was all she said.

*Ayano's POV*
It was really sweet that osano would stay home to take care of me. If only I could feel good enough to tell him.

I got a message from an unknown person and osano told me to answer it.

"Ok." I said.

I looked at the message the person sent me.

Hey why aren't you in school? I'm worried about you.

Who is this?

Its amao.

Oh hi amao. I got sick and osano is taking care of me.

Oh no that's terrible! I'll be right over to help.

Don't you have school?

Oh forget school. Your more important.


Bye see you soon sweetie!

Just then I got another message from another number.

Where are you my Queen?

I'm not your Queen, and I'm sick. Amao and osano are taking care of me.

Oh my! I'm coming right over Darling. Don't worry, we won't be apart for long!

I rolled my eyes playfully at how dramatic he was at that text.

Ok bye.

"Are those all the people that are gonna text me? Or are there more?" I talked to my phone. Luckily osano wasn't in my room when I said that.

He was making me my favorite soup: miso soup. I love it so much! But osano isn't really the cooking type. I was actually happy amao was coming over to help me. He's great at cooking.

Suddenly I heard someone knock on my front door. I heard osano open the door and let the man in. I then heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come... In.." I breathed out. My throat really hurts along with my head. It was amao.

"Hi ayano! I made you some soup." Then osano walked in pretty annoyed.

"I was going to make her miso soup!!" He yelled at him. He shrugged.

"Well I brought it to her first so..." He trailed off.

"Open up!" He said.

He shoved a spoonful of soup in my mouth and it tasted so good!

"Mhm... That tastes so good! Thanks amao." I said. I made him blush a bit.

Amao kept on feeding me while getting a few glares here and there from osano. After a while the bowl was empty and a knock on the door was heard.

"I'll get it." Osano offered and left. Leaving me with amao.

I then heard my door to bust open to be greeted by a worried kizano.

"Darling are you alright?!" He pushed amao out of the way and cupped my chin. 

"Oh my God your on fire!" No duh.

"That's ok because your Prince is here to take care of you!" I tried my best not to roll my eyes.

"Th....thanks guys." I rasped out. They seemed pleased with my answer.

"But I haven't even given you your present!" He then ran pit of the room and came back with, 13 roses? What an odd number. What does it mean? Guess I'll never know...

He placed them on my computer desk then went back over to me.

"There you go Darling, now your room will no longer be so dim!" He threw his hand up and smiled.

"Ok guys get out! Ayano needs to rest!" Osano said annoyed and rolled his eyes. They all left except osano.

"I hope you get better before Friday." Osano mumbled enough for me to barely hear.

"Thanks osano." I gave him the best smile I could which made him blush.

"Yeah whatever! Its n-not like I care or a-anything, BAKA!" He then walked out all flustered.

I slowly closed my eyes and entered my slumber filled with dreams.

I'll do the dream in the next chapter. 😋

Her Complicated Love Story(Ayano X Male Rivals)UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now