chapter 5

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*Ayano's POV*
As I walked in class I noticed that our teacher wasn't here yet. No matter I'll just sit down and try to do my homework I forgot to do last night. Then osano came in.

"Ugh, did you forget to do your homework?" I nodded.

"Can I copy off of yours?" I asked hoping he would say yes. He is a very smart boy. He just nodded and handed me his paper. Just as I finished a sub I think, walked in.

"Hello class, I'm going to be your substitute teacher today. I want you all to pay close attention." He looked over the classroom and stopped when his eyes were on me. He smirked. What is he thinking?

"Im going to pick up your homework." He paused before he winked at me and continued." So if you get the question right, you'll get a special reward." He smirked and did a deep laugh.

"This guy is weird." I jumped at osano who is apparently in my class and sits right next to me. But I agreed about what he said. He is weird. He took up our homework one by one but for some reason, he stopped at me and smirked.

"Come see me after class aishi." He said before he continued walking and picking up our homework.

"Why does he want to see you?" He asked." Its not like your in trouble, right?" I shook my head and thought about why he would want to see me.

Class ended and I waited until everyone was gone to go see my teacher.

"So why did you want to see me?" I asked before he took my homework showing they were all right. Yay me!

"I told you that if you get the questions right then you get a special reward." He said before he pinned me to the wall and started to kiss my neck. I pushed him off and ran out of the classroom.

'I don't need that right now.' I thought before osano came up to me.

"Hey why did the teacher want to see you?" He asked. Should I tell him the truth or lie? The nurse was pretty bad but the teacher was worse.

"Oh he just wanted to congratulate me on getting all the questions right." I told him.

"Well that's not fair! You copied off of me!" He crossed his arms and pouted. We just kept walking down the hallways until somebody pulled me into a room. It was the drama room.

"Hey why'd you do that?!" I yelled at the figure. He put his index finger over my lips and shushed me.

He then.......

Her Complicated Love Story(Ayano X Male Rivals)UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now