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I just want to say thank you to everyone who is taking time out of their day to read my book. This is my first book that I have put out for others to read. The first couple of chapters are slow and a bit boring but it gets interesting fairly quick, I promise. Any criticism is welcome.

I have amazing ideas for this book so I do hope you all stay around to read. I'm trying to make it different than other fantasy books out. There will be some similarities but all books do. Thank you again and remember to vote for all parts! Love you all.
-Selena Rodriguez

Also, I am a little bit of an artist. So if I mention specific colors, don't mind it too much.

After all it's the fans that make a book. Without the fans there would be no great story. 💟💝

Name pronunciations:
Kryselis: Chris-ellis
Aeryn: Air-wren
Kyrad: Ki-rad
Lettie: Let-ee
Krysmond: Kris-mond
Aerybella: air-e-bella
Daeth: day-th
Lumaera: loo-mare-uh
Lumaerins: loo-mare-ins
Adrelina: a-dre-lee-nuh
Eashek: Ee-sheck
Prim: prim
Raeline: Ray-line
Blaeke- Blay-ke
Naerys- Nare-es

The first couple chapters are a bit slow, but they pick up after that. Also, I do reply back to every comment, so make sure you leave one!

I'm also not a professional at this so it may be a bit rough. But I have a lot of ideas and am having fun.

Also, follow MendesBieberGirl and read her book. It's awesome.

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