Chapter 25

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We waited for what seemed like hours for Kyrad to show up. There were no signs of his arrival and everyone was growing restless. Something was wrong, I could feel it. I started pacing and continued to pace for the last ten mintues. I stopped when Krysmond made his way over to me. 

"Kryselis, It's been over an hour now and there's no sign of him." He grabs my hands. "If he was going to be here, he would've been here by now." We all turned at the sound of rustling in the trees. It was Eashek, he was alone. Causing me to panic and worry all the more. 

Eashek, Where's Kyrad?! He was suppose to be with you! I think to him as I run over to him. 

I'm not sure where he is. I waited for over an hour for him and saw no sign. He hesitates for a moment. I went to the Abysm and looked over the edge... All hell has broken loose down there. I'm not sure if Kyrad was able to leave or not. 

I stand there in silence, unsure of what to say. I could feel my chest tighten and my heart race. I found it hard to catch my breath as I broke out into a cold sweat. Panic attack, I was having a panic attack. I felt like I was going to be sick. Blaeke was the only one who noticed what was happening. Everyone else was too busy talking about something. He came over to me and tried to calm me down. He pulled me to the ground and stuck my head between my knees.

"Kryselis, you need to calm down. Everything will be ok." He says as he rubs circles on my back. "Take deep breaths." He continues to rub my back as I close my eyes and did as he said.  We sat there like that for a few moments. When I felt my heart rate return to normal I looked up at Blaeke.

"Thank you, Blaeke." I sent him a small smile and he winked at me.

"Anything for my best mates girl." He says sitting down beside me. "Did Eashek have anything to say? I know Kyrad was suppose to be with him.. "

I look away from him and out to the trees. I relayed the information that Eashek had told me. How everything went to hell after we got out and that he wasn't sure if Kyrad will make it out or not.

We talked for a few moments longer. Blaeke was talking about something but I'm not sure what. My mind was too occupied with thinking about Kyrad.

Blaeke stood up and was helping me up when Kyrad suddenly burst through the edge of the Field. I jumped up and ran to him. Stopping a  couple of feet in front of him when I realized he was hand in hand with another girl.

"We have to go." He says in a rushed tone. "Daeth. They're after us." He was bent over trying to catch his breath. "Now." He says hurrying over to Eashek as the girl follows him.

I was frozen in place. Who was this girl? Why was he holding her hand? Blaeke tried to pull me along but I wouldn't budge. All I could focus on was this girl.

Who was she? Why is she with Kyrad? I know this isn't the time to be jealous but I couldn't help it. Daeth or no Daeth, that's all I could think about.

"Kryselis,  we have to go." Blaeke says coming to stand in front of me.

"Who is she?" I barely whisper. I look at the girl. She was stroking Easheks neck as everyone was preparing to leave. She was beautiful.

She was tall and slender. The perfect purple black hair, with bright piercing blue eyes. She moved gracefully which was something I couldn't say of myself. She was perfect all around.

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