Chapter 13

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Everyone was packing the little bit of clothes and food that we had prepared for our journey. We all had packed lightly so we could travel faster without the burden of weight. We were to leave today to head towards Lumaera. Where I was to continue my training with the Lumaerin Scholars.

We all grabbed our bags and made our way to the Portal of the Worlds. Lettie lead the line with Aerybella and Aeryn trailing just behind her. Kyrad and I brought up the back, hand in hand.

"Excited for our adventure to Lumaera?" Kai asks me squeezing my hand.

"I don't think excited is the word. " I say flashing him a smile.

Ever since we made up yesterday I have been the happiest I've ever been. I can't stop smiling. And I'm loving it.

"Well, " he says looking ahead of him. "I know you'll love Lumaera. It's beautiful,  as well as the people are."

I couldn't help but to wonder what Lumaera was like. Kai wouldn't tell me because he wanted me to see it for myself. If they were all like Aerybella, Aeryn, and Lettie then they should be great people.

I don't know about Krysmond though. He walks around like a tin man, no emotion. Always the serious. Who knows, maybe he just hides it all. Surely he has feelings if Aerybella is with him.

Krysmond had left a few days early to prepare transportation for everyone. When we arrived at the portal Krysmond was there waiting.

"Everyone ready?" he asks looking around at everyone. They all nod.

"Ready as we'll ever be." I respond,  glancing over at Aeryn. She sends me a wink, in which I return a smile. 

Krysmond and Aerybella are the first to enter the portal. Shortly followed by Aeryn and Lettie, then Kyrad and I. When we emerge from the portal there were four prim waiting on us. 

"Eashek!" I yell excitedly, and run over to the magnificent beast. He nudges me with his head in return. Nice to see you again Kryselis. He says.

I should've known it would be prim to help transport us. I respond stroking his snout.

"Wow!" I hear Aeryn say. I look over at her. Amazement was written all over her face. She was stroking a prim a little smaller than Eashek. She was a dark lavender in color and had blue mist as her mane and tail.

"Kryselis,  I know you said they were beautiful,  but I didn't know you were exaggerating! They are more than beautiful!" She says looking over at me.

I glance at Eashek. He laughs in my mind. Her name is Raeline, one of my offspring. He says to me. I look back at Aeryn, who is still admiring the prim.

"Her name is Raeline, she's one of Easheks offspring."  I say to her. She turns and looks at me.

"How do you know that?" she asks,  looking at me curiously. At this point everyone was looking at me. Just as curious as Aeryn was.

"Eashek told me." I say looking at the creature. I run a hand down his snout, my eyes meeting his. He winks at me.
"Don't they talk to you all as well? In your mind..?" I ask.

They all just look at each other.

"The only one here who can communicate with prim is Kyrad." Krysmond says looking over at Kai. Kyrad shrugs his shoulders. "Interesting.." Krysmond says mounting his prim,  lending his arm to help Aerybella mount beside him.

Lettie and Aerybella mount there prim the same way I had to. Awkward attempts at first before being successful. I had to look away to keep myself from laughing. Luckily I had Kyrad to help me this time.

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