Chapter 15

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We made our way out of the city and into the many trees at the base of the mountain. The further into the trees we went, the more the trees cleared out.

We came to stop just at the edging of the trees. In front of us there was a light blue waterfall that grew darker the closer it got to the pond. Off to the right side of the pond was a stream. Which I'm sure turns into the river at some point. Floating in the pond were a flower that resembled a water lily. These flowers were completely flattened out though. You could see the shimmering of the fish scales when they would get close to the surface of the water, reflecting the suns.

We all dismounted the Prim and thanked them for helping us on our journey and saw them off. We would have to go on foot from here on out. After the Prim had left, we followed Krysmond to a rock ledge that started on one side of the pond and disappeared behind the waterfall.

I watched in awe as one by one they walked along the ledge and disappeared into a cavern behind the waterfall. I followed behind Kai, bringing up the tail end of our group.

The cavern inside was small. It was lit up by glowing green moss that covered the walls. At the back of the cavern was a tunnel. The tunnel that would lead us to where ever it was that we were going. Hopefully something with a little more breathing room.

As we walked through the tunnels I noticed there were holes in the wall every few feet. Each hole had a different plant that glowed. Each their own color. Casting a dim glow to light the way.

"Where are we going?" I ask Kai, grabbing his hand. He glances back at me and smiles.

"We're going into the castle." he responds and winks at me. "Just a little further now."

My jaw drops open. The castle was inside the mountain?! This mountain range was massive. I wonder if it expands out along the whole mountain range or if it was just inside this one mountain? I would have to do some exploring.

As we neared the end of the tunnel it became wider. Opening into what I assume was a massive courtyard.

In the center of the room was a big fountain. The fountain was flowing with bioluminescent water. In the center of the fountain was a big stone.  Covered in cracks being cradled by a carved stone hand. The cracks of the stone had many colored lights flowing through them. Constantly changing colors.

The rest of the room was filled with pillars. Creating hypostyle halls. There were benches at the base of random pillars. Vines covered the top of the walls and hung down in various lengths from the ceiling. There were a few groups of people seeming to be decorating for a special event.

We made our way to a set of double doors off to the right of the courtyard. As we drew closer to the doors,  they automatically opened. We entered the throne room and stopped. This room was similar to the courtyard with the exception of the pillars and fountain. In the center of the room were two thrones. They were lifted higher on what resembled a stage. One big and bulky,  kind of boring. I assume that was Krysmonds and the one next to his covered in filigree was Aerybellas. Along the middle of the wall was a depiction of previous battles. It went through the middle of the wall and all around the room.

"Well,  I think we should call it a early night tonight." Krysmond says turning to look at everyone. "After all,  we've got a ball to attend tomorrow." He and Aerybella take their seat in their thrones. "There should be plenty of clothes in your wardrobes to choose from. Kyrad,  will you show Lettie,  Aeryn, and Kryselis to their rooms?"

Kyrad nods his head and leads us back into the courtyard. We make our way through the doors on the opposite side of the room. The way to the rooms were confusing. It will definitely take a while to memorize the way. The walls were made of stone with different colored banners spread here and there. There were torches that lit the halls which I found odd. Everything else here was lit by things that glowed, so why the use of torches? Not that it mattered any.We let Lettie off to her room first,  then Aeryn to hers, and I was last.

"Thank you for showing me to my room." I say awkwardly. We stood in silence for a moment. Kyrad was looking at the ground. "I guess I'm going... "

"Would you like to accompany me to the ball tomorrow night?" he asks suddenly, looking up at me. He looked so nervous, so innocent, scared to ask.

"No." I say crossing my arms.

Kyrad goes stiff as the color drains from his face. He runs his fingers through his hair. His eyes drift to the floor.

"O-Oh...I...I. Well.." He stutters for a moment, not sure what to say.

I reach out and pull him close to me,  wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Of course I would love to accompany you to the ball tomorrow night." I say softly, looking into his eyes. He pulls me closer and slowly kisses me. I could feel his body relax as he deepens the kiss. He pulls away with a big smile on his face, breathless from the kiss we just shared.

"Wear green if you can...So we can match. " He says and winks at me,  making me blush. He grabs my hand and lightly plants a kiss on it. "See you tomorrow night" He says and bows. "My princess." He turns and walks away. Leaving me there with a full heart and a big cheesy smile on my face.

Am I  the only one who thought it was cool that the castle was in the mountain?? Ahhh, I love it so much! And that statue of the hand was pretty cool too. 

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