Chapter 18

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Kyrads POV

When I returned to father it was as if I had never left. Everyone continued on doing whatever gross thing it was that they were doing. No-one even took a second glance as I walked through the streets.

God I hate this place. It was dirty and smelled. The buildings were old and covered in soot from the constant fires that all the Daeth had burning. It was constantly hot down here.  There was no character to this place. Everyone always looked the same.

As much as I hated it,  this was the only place I could go. I wouldn't go to other kingdoms in Adrelina because they would be scared of me. I'm sure that word has spread by now of the events that took place.

I couldn't go to the human world. There was nothing there for me. The only place I was welcomed was here. With the Daeth. I don't agree with the Daeths ways, but they won't touch me.  Not here anyways. They were all scared of my father. The ruler of the Daeth. 

"Father." I say to him as I walk into what was suppose to be a throne room.

"Ah! Kyrad my boy! You've come home!" He doesn't move from his seat.  He waives the person he was talking to away. "What's brought you back? Decide you didn't light being on the righteous side?" He laughs aloud.

I didn't find it amusing. I wasn't here for my sake. I was here for Kryselis. To keep her safe from me.

"Funny." I respond in a serious tone. "Just letting you know I'm back." I turn and start to walk away.

"Wait. Stay a little longer, let's chat. Catch up as you young ones say." He  says motioning to the seat beside him. I stare at him for a moment. Is he serious right now?

"I'll pass on that one." I say and continue to walk out. I heard him grumble behind me. The fact that he even thought for a second that I wanted to 'catch up' with him was absolutely ludicrous.

I found my way to my old house and was surprised that it was still clean. Everything was still in its place.  This house was the only clean house in the area. I don't understand how they can just live in filth everyday. It disgusted me.

I lay down on my bed and let my mind wonder. I wonder if Kryselis is doing alright. I'm sure she's fine,  she's better off without me. I try to convince myself of this but I couldn't. Not completely.

I remember to the last time I saw her. She was terrified of me. She had seen the side of me I was hiding. My chest started to ache. What have I done? I miss her already..

Kryselis POV

We took off into the night,  silent as a mouse. Fast as the wind. I was relieved when Eashek had agreed to help me. I was scared for a second, I didn't think he was going to do it.

My heart hasn't stopped racing ever since Kyrad had left. I needed him back. I needed him with me. All I can see is the sorrow in his eyes before he had taken off. It was branded into my brain. He was sorry, he had apologized and I didn't do anything.

I didn't know how I was going to sneak into the place. I didn't know anything about it or where Kyrad would even be.

I didn't have to worry about them seeing me glow anymore. My glow has been gone since the confrontation. I would still stand out though. I'm Lumaerin,  you could pick us out of any crowd.

Most of them sleep during the day. Eashek says bringing me out of my thoughts. I would take advantage of the daylight. Kyrad will most likely be in his room. It's located around the middle of the city.

How will I know which one is his? I ask Eashek. Any of the houses in the middle could be his. What do I know?

You'll know. Was all Eashek had said. It was dawn by time we reach the crack in the earth. I was amazed at how vast it was. I walked to the edge and peered over. The whole place was gross. It was covered in soot and dirt. And the smell... God I could smell it from here. I frown. Why would Kyrad go to a place like this?

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